The North Korean army fired about 200 artillery shells near the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong. Seoul ordered the evacuation of about 2,000 people. Island residents report South Korean news agency Yonhap.

According to the South Korean military, the missiles were fired by North Korea No damage was done. The evacuation of the island's residents is related to exercises that the army plans to conduct in response to North Korean fire.

Kim Jong Un broke the agreement

in November North Korea has violated the five-year agreement It aimed to reduce military tensions with South Korea and announced that it would increase the presence of its armed forces along the demarcation line. Financial Times reports the information.

“We will immediately resume all suspended military measures,” the DPRK said in a statement, warning that “the so-called The Republic of Korea bears full responsibility if an explosion occurs between the North and the South. irreversible conflict“.

A comprehensive military agreement signed by Seoul and Pyongyang in 2018 was aimed at reducing military tensions along the border. As part, both countries pledged to “completely cease all hostilities against each other” and introduced a number of measures aimed at building higher levels of trust, including banning exercises near the border and limiting live-fire exercises. The sides also removed their defensive positions and a military hotline was activated.

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