Columnist Marek Krol suggested on Republican TV that migrants arriving in Europe should be “chipped” or tattooed with numbers. before that Jan Pietrzak's words caused a wave of indignationwho talked about the actions of the German government regarding the reception of illegal migrants on the air of Republic TV.

– Here, I have a cruel joke with these immigrants. They (Germany – editor's note) think the Poles are ready because we have barracks. We have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Štutovo. Here we have many barracks built by the Germans. And that's where we'll keep these immigrants, who are being pushed illegally by the Germans, said the satirist.

In connection with these announcements, the IKEA chain of stores and mBank announced the cancellation of their advertisements From Telewizja Republika. This is a reaction to the statements of Jan Pietrzak and Marek Krol on the channel.

More companies are requesting advertisements from Telewizja Republika. The list includes Provident, Adamed, Tarchinsky and Zhabka

Portal Wirtualne Media has created a list of companies that have advertised on this station in recent weeks. These are: Orlen, Lidl Polska, Polfa, Provident, Carrefour, Perła Browary Lubelskie, Kaufland, Grupa OLX, Reckitt Benckiser, Wedel, Tarczyński. The website asked most of them about further cooperation with the station.

Provident, media expert, Adamed Pharma,, Tarchinsky and Zhabka They announced that they were following Ikea and mBank in this matter. The website is also planning a similar move Otodowhich belongs to OLX group.

In connection with this issue, Zhabka Polska has already sent a letter to the sender. The company also emphasized that the current broadcast advertising purchase was made last year.


The TV company “Republika” calls for a boycott of shops

On Thursday, Danuta Holetska, the host of “Dziyazi”, talked about the topic of removing advertisements from the “Republica” TV station.

– A wave of criticism fell after the words of Telewizja Republika, first Jan Pietrzak, and then Marek Krol. In both cases, the station management refrained from controversial content, but this was not enough. For several days now, circles associated with the current government have been strictly demanding a boycott of the companies advertised on our television. And although there are no substantial grounds for appeal, IKEA has heard him – he said on the air.

In turn, the video featured the deputy editor-in-chief of “Gazetta Polska” Piotr Lisiewicz, who called on viewers to boycott IKEA stores.

– It is not profitable for IKEA and we will prove that it is not profitable. We appeal to our viewers not to buy from Ikea if possible. Let's add that Ikea was founded by an active Swedish Nazi – he said.

Also read:
Scandal around the Republic. The Auschwitz Museum reacts
Also read:
Will the TV company “Republica” lose another advertiser? “We have been sent an official letter”

(tags translate)telewizja Republika

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