The revolution in public media continues. The popular TVP2 format “Pytanie na Śniadanie” has acquired a new director. Kinga Dobrzyńska previously worked for Telewizja Polska for years.

Kinga Dobrzynska is the new head of “Pytania na Śniadanie”.

Kinga Dobrzynska He has been working in Polish television since 1993. Initially, he cooperated in the program “Cho”, and then worked as a publisher at TVP Info until April 2016. In recent years, he has directed many programs on Polish television, such as “Bake off – Ale ciacho!”, “Little Big Dreams” and “Historia Seekers”.

– I would like this program to continue to be liked by the audience. And I will do everything to make it so, Dobrzynska told Wirtualne Media. However, he did not reveal what changes he plans to make in the near future and whether the presenters of the program will change.

We would like to remind you that during the last months there have been many changes in public television. Recently, two formats disappeared from the air.

“Alarm!” It was broadcast from Monday to Saturday at 20:10. Its last presenters were Jacek Lenski, Agnieszka Oszczyk and Ursula Rogala. Previously, Miroslav Rogalski was also a presenter, but he was fired from this function, as well as from the position of the head of the TV Academy. The editor of the program was Przemysław Venerski. “Alarm!” It was broadcast for the first time in 2018.

The program was also canceled on December 28 “The Investigative Journal of Anita Gargas”. An episode about corruption in the European Parliament was scheduled to air that day, but was ultimately not shown.

Trójka's new director

Changes in public media also affected radio stations. As we said a while ago in naTematnew boss triple He stayed Agnieszka Szydlowska.

Szydlowska previously worked for the Third Program of Polish Radio for 15 years, hosting programs such as “Radio Dom Kultury” and “Alternative Program”. However, the journalist left the station in protest in May 2020. Then the current management of the radio canceled Kazik Staszewski's song “Your pain is better than mine”, which was aimed at the winner of the list, Jaroslaw Kaczyński.

There has been an official change in Polish radio. Agnieszka Kaminska was replaced by Pawel Majer as president, whose function is currently limited to the function of liquidator. Yuliusz Kaczynski was appointed as the vice president.

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