Mateusz Morawiecki called on those willing to participate in the march organized by PiS on January 11. He published the invitation in the form of a short video on the social network.

Morawiecki invites you to the march on January 11

– The coming weeks will be decisive. Our freedom, the wealth of the wallets of ordinary Poles, the stability of the economy and Security is seriously compromised. What can we do to protect ourselves from this? This is what Poles have always done in the face of danger – unite, show solidarity. Now show the eight-star team the red card. Instead of supposed reconciliation, we get contempt. Instead of laughter, violence and arrogance. Illegality and violation of all standards instead of rule of law. We cannot allow the violation of democratic rules to become the new norm, the former prime minister said in the recording.

Former Prime Minister: We are fighting for today and tomorrow

According to the politician, the goal of the march will be to protect values ​​and calls people to pick up national flags.

– We must stand shoulder to shoulder and protect the values ​​that are the basis of Poland. On January 11, a protest rally of free Poles will be held in Warsaw. Let's be together on this day, united, strong and confident in our rights. We invite you to participate in the protest against hypocritical policies, against politicians who promise reconciliation but show contempt for the voices and wishes of millions of Poles. We fight not only for today, but for tomorrow, which belongs to us all. Your vote is decisive. Join us on January 11 at 16:00 in front of the Sejm. Take the white and red flag, said Morawiecki.

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(Translate tags) January 11 March

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