in December Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik were sentenced The final sentence for actions in the land scandal is two years in prison. That is why Seim Speaker Shimon Holovnia signed the decision to terminate their parliamentary mandates. PiS politicians do not recognize the court's verdict and a heated dispute has started in the political arena.

Dziambori: the parliamentary mandate expires due to the final punishment of the criminal law

– The legal mess is huge (…) It's something cool. The world was simple. The deputy is accused of something, the prosecutor's office applies to the Seimas with a request to remove the immunity, and the deputy is tried. If he is convicted by a final verdict, he loses his mandate, provided it is a criminal offense and the verdict is final, the Libertarian Party president and former Confederate lawmaker said.

– This sentence is final, it is a crime for which you go to prison. These two MPs should be punished according to this verdict, he said.

– The mandate of the deputy does not expire because the Marshal of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, requested it, but it expires in connection with the final criminal judgment – he emphasized, adding that according to the court's verdict, Vasik and Kaminski were defeated. their parliamentary mandates.

Ministry of Justice: Kaminski and Wąsik are not MPs

The Ministry of Justice commented on the incident. – Their mandate has expired. The case is in the Supreme Court, the appeal case is not about it, the Supreme Court will not decide whether the MPs are or not. It carries out only the formal control of the decisions of the Speaker of the Seimas, but not the essential control,” said the Deputy Minister of Justice. Maria Eichart asked about the Supreme Court decision on Thursday.

– is the final decision of the court, by which they were sentenced to absolute imprisonment, and this is the basis for the execution of this sentence. Therefore, for the time being, nothing can protect them from this punishment. Of course, we know that the president can pardon, he has the right to do so, we don't know what decision he will make and when he will make it,” he said in a conversation with journalists.

The Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled Holonia's decision

On Thursday, the prosecutor's office submitted a petition to the court Statement on termination of enforcement proceedings Kaminski and Vesik were also granted a stay of execution in connection with the current clemency law.

Earlier, the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the speaker of the Seimas regarding the expiration of the mandate of deputy Vasik.

However, the opponents of the changes made in the judicial system during the PiS government claim that the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court is only the so-called Judges, which is why, according to some Supreme Courts and European Tribunals, it is not a court.

Also read:
About the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Kaminski and Vesik: the police will bring the former deputies to court
Also read:
Pardon of Kaminski and Vesik. Corwin-Mike: There is still confusion

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