Columnist Marek Krol suggested on Republican TV that migrants arriving in Europe should be “chipped” or tattooed with numbers. Before that, a wave of indignation was caused by the words of Jan Pietrzak, who spoke on TV Republika about the actions of the German government regarding the reception of illegal migrants. On the other hand, Marek Jakubiak He compared migrants to “unnecessary waste”.

Boycott of the Republic

Because of these statements, the IKEA chain and mBank announced the cancellation of advertisements from Televizja Republika. This is a reaction to the statements of Jan Pietrzak and Marek Krol on the channel.

Portal Wirtualne Media has created a list of companies that have advertised on this station in recent weeks. These are: Orlen, Lidl Polska, Polfa, Provident, Carrefour, Perła Browary Lubelskie, Kaufland, Grupa OLX, Reckitt Benckiser, Wedel, Tarczyński. The website asked most of them about further cooperation with the station.

Provident, Media Expert, Adamed Pharma,, Tarczyński and Żabka said they were following Ikea and mBank in this matter. Otodom, which belongs to OLX Group, is planning a similar move.

PiS responds: by boycotting

Politicians of law and justice defended TV Republic. Joanna Lichoka, a member of the National Media Council, posted a note in which she said she was “removing any orders I may place here in the future.” As he later added, “I recommend it to others.”


In turn, the Vice-Chairman of the Krakow Council, Michal Drewnicki, showed on the Internet how he removes the application from his phone, reports Business Insider.

Meanwhile, a lawmaker from sovereign Poland, Dariusz Mateki, commented on the company's decision, saying: “Passol won,” while posting a video showing the app being removed from the phone.

“ has removed ads from Telewizja Republika. Let's eliminate their ability to make money in Poland!” – writes the MP.

However, the supporters of the party announce a boycott of the popular company. Hundreds of posts about withdrawal from services appeared on Twitter and Facebook.

Also read:
Scandal around the Republic. The Auschwitz Museum reacts
Also read:
The avalanche started. More companies are requesting advertisements from “Republica” TV.

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