Among the financial plans that Poles intend to implement in 2024, cutting unnecessary expenses is the most popular – 45.3 percent say so. subjects. 27.3 percent of the respondents set themselves the goal of maintaining their current financial situation, and 21.4 percent of the respondents want to pay off the debt. Every fifth respondent intends to carefully plan their budget. A slightly smaller percentage chooses an additional source of income and buys sales, it said.

“When planning the budget, we want to set a high bar. 42.5 percent of respondents say that they are going to save more in the new year than the previous year. It should be noted that they are the youngest respondents. Most are determined to change their attitude. The goal is 80 percent “One of them is to save larger amounts than in 2023.” – said Karolina Luczak, spokeswoman for Provident Polska, in a quoted statement.

What will we save on?

Expenditures that Poles plan to cut in 2024 include eating out (42.7%), entertainment and culture (29.7%) and saving at home, such as taxes (26.6%). Every fourth respondent wants to save on holiday trips or clothes.

“The most popular expense in next year's budget is vacation trips. This was indicated by almost 39 percent of the respondents. In second place was apartment or house repair, which is planned by 35.1 percent of respondents. The podium is closed daily. Expenses such as taxes or the cost of shopping – one in three Poles make assumptions about the cost of living – already include them in their budget,” we read further.

Poles will achieve savings

The planned expenses largely depend on the age of the respondents. Almost half of respondents aged 45-54 believe that in the 2024 budget, apartment or house repairs will become significantly more difficult. Gen Z respondents are more likely than older respondents to expect spending on a car (22.1% vs. 12.4% of all respondents) and events, holidays, and family celebrations (18.6% vs. 8.6%). Given.

“As part of the survey, we also asked the Poles how they intend to finance the most difficult expenses planned for 2024. Almost half of the respondents, 45.5 percent, say they will use the savings, and 30.1 percent will finance it from current income. Some of the respondents are planning to ask for help from a financial institution – 8.7 percent are going to buy in installments, and 6.3 percent will get a loan or a loan from the bank,” added Karolina Luchak.

The Provident Barometer is a cyclical survey of Poles that provides a better understanding of consumers' financial behavior and decisions. The survey was conducted by Danae using the CAWI method on a sample of N = 1,000 Polish adults in December 2023.

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