The simultaneous release of 144 prosecutors who are serving in the National Prosecutor's Office and District Prosecutor's Offices will have negative and irreversible legal consequences for the proceedings and, in particular, for the victims involved in this case,” we read.

On Thursday, the Minister of Justice, Attorney General Adam Bodnar, ordered the National Prosecutor to dismiss 94 prosecutors from the National Prosecutor's Office and 50 from the regional prosecutor's delegation.

National Prosecutor's Office: This will lead to a longer process

As PK emphasizes, as a result of Bodnar's decision, “the Department of Cybercrime and Computerization, which is responsible for the supervision and coordination of the most serious cybercrime processes, which are of particular importance today,” will practically cease to exist. “There is a similar situation in the International Cooperation Office, which recently, among others, was involved in the case of the extradition of Sebastian M., a suspect from Dubai. – indicated.

In the Cassation Division, 6 out of 16 prosecutors will remain in the Judicial Procedure Department, and 4 prosecutors will remain in the Civil and Administrative Affairs Department. “The department applies extraordinary appeals to court decisions, but due to lack of staff. This will undoubtedly lead to the prolongation of the decision, the issues implemented there,” the statement said.

According to PK, the decision to dismiss 50 prosecutors from regional prosecutor's offices will have even worse consequences. A preliminary analysis of the cases made by the prosecutors, whom Bodnar intends to dismiss, indicates that, contrary to his intention, the process will not be accelerated, on the contrary – as a result of this decision, most of them will be significantly delayed.

“According to the data of the beginning of January 2024, only 2% of the cases lasting more than 5 years are being processed in the district prosecutor's offices, and 37% of the cases in the district prosecutor's offices, and it was the district prosecutor's offices that dismissed the prosecutors. Therefore, the actions of the Attorney General will not lead to a reduction in the length of the longest cases, on the contrary, it will lead to an increase and a significant expansion of the production process in the District Attorney's Office. offices”, we read.

Bodnar ordered, among others, the dismissal of the prosecutor investigating the GetBack scandal

According to PK, the prosecutors Bodnar granted exemptions include: a prosecutor handling civil cases Return scandalInvestigators conducting proceedings, including financial pyramid schemes (victims include 90,000 people from around the world), a prosecutor investigating almost 1,000 entities that, among others, launder money using currency exchange offices and other organizations that offer similar services, as well as Investigators investigating the murder of a child in Czestochowa and the responsibility of public officials.

“At the same time, it should be noted that all delegated prosecutors have additional qualifications and are specialists in the specific fields they deal with, have additional training, post-graduate studies, specialization, including finance, accounting, etc. ” – emphasizes the National Prosecutor's Office.

The statement ends with the statement that Bodnar “by weakening the staff of the District Prosecutor's Office, will lead to the prolongation of the most difficult multi-faceted and multi-person case, which will have negative consequences for thousands of people who are injured during this time. works”.

Also read:
Judge Zaradkevich: This quote will forever become Bodnar's motto

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