First a green Christmas and the same New Year. Now there is a blizzard in the north, and there is a threat of flooding in the south… and then what? All Central Europeans are asking themselves a similar question about the winter of 2024. German forecasters know the answer. The well-known Deutscher Wetterdienst predicts that after the Epiphany weekend, frost and snow will become common in our region for a long time.

For the residents of the coastal area, winter scenery has been the norm for several days now. From Kiel and Rostock through Szczecin, Kozalin, Gdańsk and Olsztyn, far to the east, the air temperature dropped below zero and the snow was quite heavy.

However, people from the central and southern regions of Germany and Poland (not including the mountainous regions), as well as Czechs and Slovaks, lived in a different reality. There, the aura was quite autumnal, sometimes in the most dangerous form. Germans are battling floods, while Poles living in Lower Silesia and the Opole region are also nervously watching the river rise.

Long-term weather forecast for the winter of 2024. German forecasters warn of frost and snow

However, the situation is likely to change after the first weekend of 2024 and Epiphany at the latest. According to the forecast of the German forecasters, known… Deutscher Wetterdienstwhich he quotes “Frankfurter Rundschau”, In a few days, Central Europe should be hit by a “prolonged frost”..

from 9 to 11 January, Germany, Poland, Czech republic and Slovakia There is a gradual penetration of polar air – which has already caused the paralysis of transport and infrastructure in Scandinavia. – The cold winter air is not far away, warns meteorologist Lars Dahlström.

This should have different effects in different regions. In the West, the temperature will “only” drop a few degrees below zero. In the eastern states of Germany and Poland, thermometers may even show high temperatures Below -10 degrees Celsius.

According to forecasts weather DWD It will be different in Central Europe Snow intensity. In the first days of the “real winter” of 2024, snow should fall all over our region. Precipitation reaches 2-5 cm in most areas.

Much more snow – even 10 cm to half a meter – is expected… in rather extreme areas, ie the German states of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, southern Bohemia and the belt from Lower Silesia through Lesser Poland to Lublin. region and Podkarpackie in Poland.

How long will the frost last? Winter is still record warm

And how long will the frost and snow stay in our areas? It seems to be enough winter His fans could enjoy it, but at the same time it was short enough to be effective Long-term forecasts. According to them This year's winter is expected to be record warm.

In practice, wintry conditions are expected to persist across much of Europe until the end of January. Then the frosts should subside and the effects of the phenomenon will disappear El Nino It will bring us positive temperatures and strong precipitation.

Although January is expected to be relatively frosty and snowy, the February-March warming is expected to make the statistics again alarming. The climate crisis.

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