PiS politicians claim that Shimon Holonia illegally acted on the mandates of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic and prevented them from participating in the work of the chamber.

– Marshal Holonia will go down in history as a marshal who broke the law. Yesterday's press conference was terrible. During the first Tusk, the media revealed the contacts between the government administration and the judges. Under the second tusk we have Marshall, who He brags about setting up a trial in the Supreme Court. The most graphic description of the situation is as follows: if the speaker of the Seimas is a postman in this case, the postman, whose name is Holonia, changed the address of the package without informing the sender – said the head of the PiS club. Mariusz Blaszczak.

Zbigniew Kuzmiuk emphasizes that if the marshal did not allow the deputies who have valid mandates to work, “the entire legislative process in the Seimas could be considered illegal.” – This is the opinion of lawyers, including: Prof. Zaradkevich. What we will do in the Seimas in their absence, when their mandate is valid, will be an illegal process, said Zbigniew Kuzmiuk.

Politicians emphasize that not allowing Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik to participate in the work of the Sejm means that Marshal Holonia is breaking the law. – Today, a report was submitted to the prosecutor's office on this case – said Mariusz Blaszczak. – The Supreme Court canceled the decision of Marshal Holonia on the expiration of the terms of office – Valdemar Buda added.

Was the expiration of mandates illegal?

The Marshal of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, handed over to the President of the Supreme Court, the head of the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance, Piotr Prusinowski, the appeals of PiS MPs Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic regarding the expiration of their mandates. According to the final verdict of the court, which sentenced both politicians to two years of imprisonment, the so-called Land scandal.

Before that, the defendants' lawyers filed complaints in two ways: to the Speaker of the Seimas and directly to the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs. Thus, the same appeals regarding the expiration of Kaminski's and Vesik's mandates were considered simultaneously in two chambers of the Supreme Court.

It was canceled by the Extraordinary Control Chamber yesterday Decision of the Speaker of the Seimas Regarding the announcement of the expiration of the mandate of MP Vesik. According to the IKNiSP, the results of the final conviction were nullified by the use of the Presidential Pardon Act, and the validity or effectiveness of the Pardon Act cannot be reviewed by either the Supreme Court or the Constitutional Tribunal.

On Friday, the Supreme Court issued a statement announcing the resolution of the dispute over the jurisdiction of the chambers of the Supreme Court. The first president of the Supreme Court, Malgorzata Manovska, indicated the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs as the competent authority for considering Kaminski's appeal case.

Rebellion in the Supreme Court. Two decisions can be made on the same case

Earlier, the President of the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance of the Supreme Court, Piotr Prusinowski, said that on January 10, a three-member court will consider Mariusz Kaminski's appeal regarding the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas to remove the parliamentary immunity. .

So everything seems to point to that The Supreme Court can issue two judgments on the same case: One will be implemented by the Labor Chamber, the other by the Extraordinary Control Chamber, the legality of which is questioned by some judges of the Supreme Court, international tribunals and the current parliamentary majority.

Also read:
The Speaker of the Seimas is trapped. The First President of the Supreme Court gave the order
Also read:
Holovnia: Messrs. Vesik and Kaminski are criminals

(translate tags)szymon hołowni

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