– I recently signed a letter to the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Belgian Presidency of the European Union, stating that Poland will join the European Public Prosecutor's Office. This is due to the enhanced cooperation mechanism, no legislative changes are needed, Bodnar said at a press conference on Friday.

– Our task will be to select a European prosecutor from Poland, – he said. – The European Prosecutor's Office is efficient and economical. This is important from the point of view of establishing the feeling of rule of law and equality before the law, – added the head of the Ministry of Justice. The European Commission now has four months to recognize the Polish notification.

Shlapka: The rule of law is a priority

The Minister of European Affairs, Adam Schlapka, claims that “joining the European Public Prosecutor's Office symbolizes how important the rule of law is to the Polish government.” – How important is the legal security of our citizens. The feeling that each of us is equal before the law, he said.

– We want the rule of law to be a priority. What has happened in this regard in the last 8 years has significantly weakened Poland's position in the European Union and caused tangible costs. Joining the European Public Prosecutor's Office creates independent control mechanisms for financial issues related to the use of European funds, such as the use of “kilometer cards”. We all know perfectly well that I am referring to a very specific example that has been circulated in society. We will show that everyone will be equal before the law, Shlapka said.

PiS politicians warn

Meanwhile, opposition politicians They obeythat the inclusion of Poland in the European Union Prosecutor's Office de facto deprives the competence belonging to the nation state.

“Such a decision in practice means that Polish citizens will find themselves under the jurisdiction of an external Polish institution. They want to finish it in a few days, even without a negotiation process. Treat Poland like a 'poor married girl',” he warned. Former Deputy Minister of Justice Sebastian Kaleta.

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These are the results of Bodnar's decision. The National Prosecutor's Office issued a statement
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