The wastage of water from the mountain catchment causes a number of problems. What is the connection with the permission of the mayor of Shchavnica to make a big investment, which the activists protested?

“How many mountain rivers would have to dry up for more skiing?” – he asked in 2020 on our pages Kaja Puto. “Why do we need winter sports when we have a climate and water crisis? – I became interested in the book published less than a year ago talk with hydrogeology specialist, Mariusz Tsop.

Vain regret, vain effort. Today, when the slopes remain green and brown for most of the winter, the glaciers are melting, and the planet's temperature is rising and slowly killing winter tourism, scientists and activists are wondering if it makes sense to build another ski resort. It will be built in Szczaunica.

Why do we need winter sports when we are in crisis? (conversation)

The problem is that snow simply isn't there, and artificially producing it for energy and water supplies is a recipe for even greater disaster. As the climate warms, it will no longer be white. In a word: we will remain in a vicious circle.

Snow from helicopters and games in Saudi Arabia

“More and more frequent winters with little snow disrupt the operation of winter sports centers, whose activity depends largely on the quantity and quality of snow on the slopes,” he says, quoting Brussels Times Climatologist Samuel Morin. A study published in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change confirms that European ski tourism is under serious threat. changes Climatic conditions are changing.

The authors of the publication predict that without artificial snow, 53 percent and 98 percent of the 2,234 ski resorts surveyed in 28 European countries would be doomed to snow shortages amid global warming and temperature increases of 2 and 4 degrees Celsius, respectively. Many of them cannot survive, the rest fight for customers, produce. fake snow by force.

Deutsche Welle indicatesthat Robert Steiger, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Public Finance at the University of Innsbruck, is currently working on the most pessimistic scenario. It shows that although only 80 percent of ski resorts in the Austrian Alps will last until 2050, but only thanks to artificial snow treatment, which will increase water consumption to 100%.

Ridley: How many mountain rivers have to dry up before you can ski?

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The production of a cubic meter of white fluff requires 400-500 liters of water, and resort owners have such strange ideas as, for example, moving snow by helicopter. Construction of ski infrastructure is planned even in countries where there is no such precipitation at all – just mention the ambitions of the prince of Saudi Arabia, who wants to create a 500 billion dollar ski infrastructure. Year-round ski resort Trojena in the middle of the desert and there to organize the Asian Winter Games.

Szczawnica donates DNA for profit

Waste water from mountain catchments creates a number of problems related not only to the shortage in local communities, but also affects the entire water cycle in nature. So what's up with the Szczawnica mayor's permission to make a big investment?

Jarmuta Nature and Recreation Center – as pointed out by Pracownia na Rzecz Wszystkich Stotych, which opposes the idea – should be part of the seven valley ski development in the Beskid Sądecki mountains. Apart from the ski tracks on the slopes of Szczawnica Jarmuta, all service infrastructure will be built.

Meanwhile, a significant part of the massif is located in the Poprad Landscape Park and the South Malopolska Protected Landscape Zone. Activists and scientists studying the project say it violates current regulations, and they blame the resort's initiators and decision-makers for failing to prepare a reliable assessment of the investment's environmental impact.

These impacts are related not only to the future production of artificial snow, but also to the transformation of protected areas, cutting down trees, interfering with the natural character of springs and watercourses, and destroying the habitats of many animal species. The permission to turn the Szczaunica natural treasure into a construction site also gives the green light for similar steps to be taken in other protected areas.

Representatives of the Workshop for All Beings claim that the expert opinion of Dr. Hub. Engineer Mariusz Czopa clearly shows that the implementation “means a huge intervention in the environment, which could trigger the activation of landslides and endanger the unique mineral and healing water resources, as well as adversely affect the surface water resources of Gryčarek.” stream.” and adds that “for the benefit of a narrow group of people, the DNA of this region, that is, the mineral and healing water resources from which the city's name (chlorid acid) is derived, is being destroyed.

Let's add that this is a profit made so that the most affluent people can use the center. Although indoor skiing has become more accessible to the public, given the rising costs of its training, it may still be a pastime for a select few. And yet you say, if someone has earned it, why shouldn't he use it?

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