“We are glad that during the pre-election campaign, the Prime Minister made an important commitment to guarantee access to abortion in the national health care system. But, Mr. Prime Minister, we have already heard the promises, it is time for the government. to fulfill their word”, wrote the head of FEDER to Donald Tusk.

Kachpura notes that “31 years have passed since the restrictive act came into force Access to abortion in Poland. This is a shameful anniversary that reminds women that the right to make decisions about our bodies and lives has been taken away from us by a decision of the Polish Sejm from top to bottom. It is not without reason that the act was perceived by the public as an anti-abortion act.

Federa calls for full access to abortion

The head of FEDERA claims that the pro-life regulations were introduced “under pressure from conservative organizations and the Catholic Church, in huge public opposition and ignoring the voice of women themselves.”

“It is FEDERA that is interfering with hospitals after the outrageous pseudo-judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal came into effect. This decision, we remind you, was recognized by the European Court of Human Rights as non-binding due to the legal crisis. Entry of law and neo-judges into the judicial panel. It is Federa who saves health and lives, often fighting to get a woman to the hospital in a life-threatening situation. This is Federa who faces drama every day. The ones that hit the system wall. It is Federa who knows how tragic the reality of abortion in Poland is and how urgent the need to fix it is,” Christina Katzpura asserts in a letter to the head of government.

“Women's hell has been going on in our country since 1993. (…) With more than 30 years of experience and the stories of hundreds of thousands of women that FEDERA has helped during this time, we believe that there is no other. option rather than full liberalization of the law. We are glad that during the pre-election campaign, the Prime Minister made an important commitment to guarantee access to abortion in the national health system, but, Mr. Prime Minister, we have already heard the promises. It's time for the government to keep its word,” the activist says.

According to the organization, “women living in Poland should have systematically guaranteed access to safe, legal and free abortion.”

Also read:
Abortion survey. Poles talked about termination of pregnancy

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