after an Israeli attack on the area on Tuesday Beirut passed away Saleh al-AruriOne of the leaders of the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. The Jerusalem Post, citing Lebanese security sources, reported that an Israeli warplane fired six guided missiles and fired two of them. They attacked the Hamas meeting place.

In addition to al-Arauri, six other members of the organization were killed. The 57-year-old leader of Hamas lived in Beirut and He should have been under the protection of Hezbollah. The representatives of this organization perceived the attack on their territory as a humiliation.

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On Friday, the head of the organization, Hassan Nasrallah, said that in the absence of a response to the Israeli attack, the whole of Lebanon will be in danger, and assured that “An answer will surely come.” Former Prime Minister of this country Nagib Mikati He accused Israel of “dragging the Lebanese conflict into a new stage”.

“Historic opportunity” for Lebanon. They want to take the land from Israel

In a statement on Friday, Nasrallah said operations on the southern border had “opened up “Historic opportunity” for Lebanon To liberate the land occupied by Israel.” – Today we stand forward A historic opportunity to liberate every inch of our Lebanese soil and stop the enemy from violating our borders and airspace. – she said.

According to him, Iraq also has a “historic chance” to get rid of the US presence in this country. Nasrallah reports about it During the last three months, the “Resistance Movement” carried out 670 operations on the Lebanon-Israel border. – We destroyed a large number of tanks and equipment – he said.

According to Hezbollah's leader, the Israeli army is hiding the true extent of the losses it is suffering on the Lebanese border. According to him, with less than 80 km of this line, Israel has accumulated approx 120 thousand soldiers.

Attack on Iran. Tehran threatens the USA and Israel

Iran's Supreme Leader on Thursday Ali Khamenei announced that those responsible for Wednesday's blast would face “severe consequences”. Tehran authorities blamed Israel and the US for the attack. At the same time, they ordered “strategic patience” to their subordinate military officers.

in the attack that took place in the city Kerman84 people died and dozens were injured. The primary information was about 95 died. No group initially claimed responsibility for the attack, but did so on Wednesday Islamic State.

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He commented on this issue Ali Khamenei. “Heinous criminals should know that we will deal with them and that they will undoubtedly face severe consequences,” said the political and religious leader.

On the other hand Mohammad Jamshidi, the chief of staff of the President of Iran, blamed Israel and the US for the attack. The United States categorically denied the allegations. The White House administration said there was no evidence that the attack was orchestrated by Israel.

There have been terrorist attacks in Iran in recent years. They were organized mainly by Islamic State and Arab separatist-affiliated groups.

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