On Friday, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas regarding the expiration of the mandate of Mariusz Kaminski.

Earlier, the Extraordinary Control and Public Relations Chamber of the Supreme Court made a similar decision in the case of Deputy Maciej Vasik. The annulment of Shimon Holunia's decision means that both Kaminski and Vesik are still MPs and are protected by parliamentary immunity.

At the same time, the General Director of the Office of the Speaker of the Seimas, Stanislav Zazdroviemski, informed that the head of the Chancellery of the Seimas, Jacek Cichoki. blocked ballots Owned by Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik. This means that both politicians will not be able to participate in the voting in the Seimas.

Bochenek: Act, go back to the decision made by order

“Holavnia and Tusk are going head-to-head,” says PiS spokesman Rafal Bochenek. “By actions like the deactivation of MPs Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński's parliamentary cards, they clearly violate the law and use force, using the method of facts, to decide who is and who is not a deputy, contrary to the constitution. Voters, or pardon by President Andrzej Duda! This action by Holonia is overshadowed by an alleged (given the manner in which letters are submitted to the Supreme Court) collusion with friendly judges. This is clearly the time for the return of the telephone verdict, this is the Polish People's Republic,” says the deputy.

Bochenek notes that the approach to the emergency control room varies depending on the situation. “Hołownia from TVN sometimes recognizes the extraordinary control chamber (eg in the context of election results or when she filed a complaint about her party's accounts), and at other times she questions this chamber when she disagrees with the rulings.” This team is another proof of illegality,” he claims.

“Crying about the constitution and democracy was one big theater, bluff and fraud. What is happening today is a real #legal issue. Such actions will be remembered and held accountable in the future. Absolutely. That's why we have to move on and Joint protest on January 11 Bro. at 16:00 at the Seim in Warsaw. Let's stop this evil,” appeals Rafal Bochenek.

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