The president of the Warsaw-Śródmieście district court had to inform the portal that the convicted PiS politicians will not go to prison for the time being. “According to the submitted statements, no sentence execution order has been issued against the two persons convicted in the mentioned case,” reads the letter, which probably refers to PiS politicians.

However, the letter refers to two more persons convicted in the land scandal. These are former CBA agents – Grzegorz P. and Krzysztof F., as confirmed by the Vice-President of the Warsaw-Śródmieście District Court, Piotr Maksimowicz, in an interview with – These people were affected by today's decision to suspend the execution of the sentence – he said.

Maciej Wąsik also spoke online. “Neither I, nor Mariusz Kaminski, nor our lawyers have submitted an application to the court to postpone the sentence. This is false,” he wrote on the X platform.

Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kaminski. What does the Warsaw court's letter refer to?

In the letter from the Warsaw District Court, we learn that Krzysztof F. and Grzegorz P. submitted two applications. “Persons, in respect of whom the execution of the sentence was determined and an order was issued to bring them to the penal institutions, applied for the postponement of the execution of the legally relative punishment (Article 151 of the Civil Code) regarding the suspension of the execution of the sentence. In this regard (Article 9§4 kkw)” – said the president of the court, Alexandra Smik.

look: Mandate of Mariusz Kaminski. The review chamber of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas

The case was transferred to another judge through the random assignment system. “According to the court's decision, the statements were upheld, which led to the cancellation of the arrest documents and pretrial detention warrant,” the document said.

“The court received a response from the Marshal of the Seimas to the investigation, among others, regarding the date of transfer of copies of the decision confirming the expiration of the parliamentary mandate to the interested parties, filing of appeals and referral of appeals to the Supreme Court.” ” – we read in the statement.

What is happening in the case of convicted PiS MPs?

Former boss CBACoordinator of special services and head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in the PiS government Mariusz Kaminski and his former deputy Maciej Wąsik They were sentenced to two years of absolute imprisonment for the so-called land scandal. Eight years earlier, they managed to avoid prison because they were pardoned by President Andrzej Duda before the verdict became final.

In response to this year's court decision, the Speaker of the Seimas Shimon Holavnia In December, he terminated the mandate of “United Right” politicians, thereby depriving them of their parliamentary immunity. Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs The Supreme Court decided on Thursday that Maciej Wąsik will remain an MP and continue to enjoy immunity.

However, there is controversy surrounding this chamber – the court decided that it is not a court. Friday though Audit Chamber Canceled the decision of the speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, regarding the expiration of the mandate of the PiS deputy. Mariusz Kaminski. The body that made this decision is not recognized by the court.

After the Supreme Court Chamber's decision, Marshall Holonia called him on the Internet Politicians of law and justice “Criminals” accuse the Supreme Court of the procedural chaos caused by the “deformation” of Zbigniew Ziobro. “This procedure does not stop the execution of the sentence,” the politician added in the note.

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