Judge of the Supreme Court Prof. Krzysztof Rachka commented on the legal chaos related to the so-called Neo-judges of the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court. The controversial body seeks a ruling on behalf of the Supreme Court. Recently, the Chamber decided in favor of PiS regarding the mandates of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, and on January 11… it must decide whether the parliamentary elections are valid (or not).

Judge of the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance Prof. Krzysztof Racka expressed his concern about the actions consists only of the so-called Judges Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs Supreme Court. On Thursday and Friday, the body made a decision to cancel the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, to terminate the parliamentary mandate of PiS MPs Makie Vesik and Mariusz Kaminski.

The neo-judges want to decide the validity of the election

Meanwhile, the proceedings of the IKNiSP Supreme Court show that: January 11 The new judges should decide on the validity of the parliamentary elections. In the comment of TVN24 Prof. Krzysztof Rachka confirmed the information about the government's plans.

– I am starting to worry about what is happening… On the other hand, they might prove the validity of the elections without anything to show how independent they are, – the respected authority said eloquently. .

Two controversial chambers in the Supreme Court

According to the judge, IKNiSP's latest moves are primarily an “appearance game”. However, the problem is real, as the new government has yet to deal with the chaos left by PiS in the justice system.

This includes: About the neo-judges who are still sitting Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs and Chamber of Professional Responsibility The Supreme Court created this group National Council of Justicewhose existence and actions raise doubts in many legal authorities (including the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights).

– This is all a game of appearances, because now, if we look at the Supreme Court, we have these questions again… So, which chamber should determine the validity or invalidity of the presidential and parliamentary elections? And this is the Gordian knot that PiS and all the united right-wing parties have tied us – said Prof. English.

– For eight years, they have been making changes that were just going to darken the entire political system of the state – he summarized.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/534581,izba-kontroli-nadwyknej-i-spraw-publicznych-zdecydowala-ws-kaminskiego

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