One in five of us say they are interested in the topic of tax breaks and deductions – according to research. “What do Poles know about taxes”Conducted late last year by SW Research on behalf of the website However, still few payers use all the deductions to which they are entitled.

PIT settlement in 2024. It is worth paying attention

2024 will not bring revolutionary changes for income tax payers, experts emphasize. However, there are some issues that the 22 million ratepayers affected by this annual liability should be aware of.

Many taxpayers do not pay attention to the content of the declaration when the document is automatically completed by the tax office. Personally, I recommend logging in e-PIT service And check if all the reliefs are included or if the 1.5 percent tax has been transferred correctly – says Piotr Juszczyk, chief tax advisor at inFakt, in an interview with

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In addition, according to the expert, Before finalizing your tax return, it's worth finding out what the state has to offer. – Let's check if we have the right to do so Some relief we don't know about. We can receive support without realizing it, Juszczyk adds.

– A taxpayer who knows how he will settle with the tax office can use the allowances and deductions he is entitled to so that In the end, he could pay a higher rate or significantly reduce the tax – suggests Monika Piątkowska from

By 2023, PIT filers will be able to enjoy roughly the same facilities as in 2022. Changes were made only within the framework of family support and joint settlement between spouses. Income from rental.

The income limit has been abolished for parents raising one disabled child. Until now, it was 112 thousand. PLN annually for both parents, and in the case of an unmarried parent – PLN 56,000. zloty. Now parents will be able to take advantage of the pro-family allowance, regardless of their income.

Spouses who rent property privately and are taxed on registered income jointly should be careful. Higher single rate – 12.5 percent. – They will only pay after exceeding the PLN 200,000 limit. PLN, while the previous limit was PLN 100,000. zloty. It does not matter whether these incomes are settled separately or not. Thanks to the changes, they will pay a lower lump sum for renting real estate.

Despite the many declarations made by politicians during last year's campaign elections, the tax-free amount has not changed. That's still 30,000. zloty. Tax limits also remain unchanged. For taxpayers who are settled according to general rules, they amount to 12%. And 32 percent after more than 120 thousand PLN income.

There may be more changes to benefit taxpayers. But for now, the government is silent on indexation of rates, for example, with the pro-family allowance, which is the most popular tax relief.

Its values ​​have not actually changed in 11 years. At the same time, 500 plus was valued at 800 plus. In my opinion, we should encourage people to work and increase the value of reliefs, not benefits. Since 2013, the minimum wage has increased significantly and many fiscal changes have been implemented. Therefore, it is time to adjust the value of existing tax benefits to them – says Piotr Juszczyk.

Return of sales tax

An InFakt expert answers the question about the PIT refund amount and lightens the mood. – Don't expect much income this year. In 2023, we learned from the mistakes of previous years about the correctness of filling out the application. Any refunds will be made as a result of pro-family relief or a reduction in our income through other reliefs, such as thermal modernization benefits, rehabilitation benefits, internet, etc. – Judges.

Juszczyk calculates that an employee who has not submitted a PIT-2 to his employer can expect a tax refund of up to PLN 3,600. Parents of four children can receive a refund of up to PLN 6924.12.

Joint settlement of spouses can bring significant benefits. Let's imagine a husband with a taxable income of PLN 180,000. zloty. and a wife with an income of PLN 50,000. zloty. Thanks to the joint settlement, the refund can be up to PLN 12,000. zloty. – says the analyst.

In the case of a single parent with an income of PLN 180,000. PLN per year, the salary can reach up to 15.6 thousand PLN. zloty.

– In the case of drug relief, an excess of more than PLN 100 per month will reduce the tax base. For example, if we spent PLN 250 on medicines in March 2023, we will reduce the tax base by PLN 150, and the tax refund in the first threshold will be PLN 18 – Juszczyk adds.

Poles will have to settle scores Tax office During the last 12 months up to 30 April 2024 In 2023, taxpayers received a record income tax refund. Minister of Finance 27 billion PLN was “gifted” to the Poles. By 2022, taxpayers will have filed approximately 20 million tax returns electronically and approximately 1.3 million returns in paper form.

Pavel Gospodarchyk, money

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