As the portal found out, the meeting in the presidential palace on Tuesday, January 9, St. 12:00. All members of the National Media Council received a personal invitation.

The information was confirmed by the Chairman of the National Media Council, Krzysztof Chabanski. – The entire National Media Council was invited. We will talk about the created situation in the public media, and so much is happening that there is really something to talk about, he said. He added that at the end of December he himself asked the head of state for a similar meeting.

President Duda met with members of the National Broadcasting Council

Last week, at the request of the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council, Maciej Svirski, the Meeting of President Andrzej Duda with members of the National Broadcasting Council As for changes in public media. Head of the President's Chancellery, Gražina Ignacak-Bandić, said that the National Broadcasting Council presented an opinion on the current situation in the public media. – The conclusions of the meeting are as follows: it is necessary to repair the public media and this issue should be resolved urgently – he emphasized.

The National Broadcasting Council, as a constitutional body, will prepare a draft resolution on public media and after its adoption will submit the decisions to President Andrzej Duda and the Council of Ministers.

A revolution in public media

In recent weeks, there has been a real revolution in public media. On December 27, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz decided… Liquidation of Polish Television, Polish Radio and Polish Press Agency. A week earlier, Sienkiewicz dismissed the presidents of TVP, PR and PAP. The new management boards of the companies were elected by the new supervisory boards appointed by the minister.

The National Media Council and the current governing board of media companies consider the actions of Minister Sienkevich illegal. PiS politicians talk about an “attack” on public media, and call the ruling coalition the “Coalition of December 13” (Donald Tusk's government was sworn in on December 13, the anniversary of the introduction of martial law in Poland).

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