Piotr Zelt has long made his disdain for right-wing politicians clear. Now he has posted a note on Facebook in which he commented on the IKEA boycott, which was initiated by the head of the TV company Tomasz Sakievic and Michal Rachon. As always, the actor did not bite his tongue.

Piotr Zelt makes fun of Sakiewicz and Rakhon. They announced a boycott of IKEA

Piotr Zelt He starred in such famous titles of the 1990s as Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colors: White and Juliusz Machulski's The Killer. However, the audience remembered him the most for the role of “Arnie” from the comedy series “13 Police Office”. His hero was certainly inspired Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In the last 8 years, the actor has often expressed unfavorable opinions about his actions law and justice, among others about what they did with the public media. Two months ago with harsh words summed up the voters of this party.

“No one defends PiS normally anymore. only Trolls, pathologicals, slackers and deviants“- he writes. “A writer who talks about tolerance is a pathetic joke. A bunch of complete primitives, xenophobes, anti-Semites, homophobes who insult anyone who doesn't support you. “Such abomination and abomination and glorification of ignorance have not happened in Poland since the time of Stalinism,” he said.Supporting criminals and thieves is bad, that's allZelt added.

This time the actor commented on Facebook Boycott IKEAis initiated Tomas SakievichThe head of “Republic” TV company and Michal Rachon. “Ikea is in despair, after such a declaration they will fold their sails. Pism is a state of complete intellectual povertysocial and moral,” Zelt said.

We remind you that on January 5 Head of “Republic” TV company He decided that in the future there would be no IKEA furniture in any of the companies he managed. Why this step?

“I have made a decision that in every company I manage We will not buy anything from IKEA. The reason for this decision is the inclusion of the company… Actions that undermine the principles of democracyIncluding freedom of speech and freedom of religion,” he explained on the X platform Tomas Sakievich.

Michal Rachon also spoke. “We are planning to purchase furniture for the new decor of my “#Jedziemy” program. It definitely won't be IKEA furniture,” he wrote. Director of the new program of Telewizja Republika.

The TV company “Republika” is asking viewers for a donation. Sakievich explains the reason

Television Republic This is a station that has become very loud in recent weeks. It is not surprising – after the changes in Polish television, it became a refuge for the “old” team TVP.

As the portal notes virtual mediaRecently, “presenters of current programs often called on viewers to transfer money, and on a strip or board indicated the account number and a note that should be included in the title of the transfer.”

Where do these requirements come from? – Getting twice as big a team as we planned this year and expanding the schedule by at least six hours of additional broadcasts. For that, you need an investor, and our investor turned out to be a viewer – explained the head of Republic TV. Tomas Sakievich In an interview with virtualmedia.pl.

The money received so far has been spent on equipment. “We definitely had enough to buy extra cameras, lights, studio equipment as the money came in We immediately bought the equipmentSakievich noted.

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