The reverend reminded that this topic was discussed several years ago. According to him, many arguments were made then and very reasonable ones, so it is enough to return to this. – It is very good that there is a joint declaration to talk about it – both the government and the churches – because it does not only concern the Roman Catholic community. I'm glad you took the time and this issue will not be discussed in a few hours. Let's talk, look for solutions, see how it is done in other countries. And all this should be accompanied by peace, – emphasized Archbishop Adrian Galbas on the air of radio eM.

The church hierarch also called people to talk about this topic The future shape of religion classes in schools. – It is known that in the Concordat it is written that catechesis is in school; As for the number of hours, no more. This issue requires a calm and meaningful discussion. At the table, not at the microphones or cameras, he said.

“And this is the wonderful truth of our faith”

The conversation with the Metropolitan Archbishop of Katowice took place the previous day Feast of the Epiphany. As he pointed out, the Lord Jesus comes to everyone, which the epiphany (epiphany) reminds us. – This is a very old Christian holiday, even older than Christmas. From the beginning, Christians have had a need to experience the truth that Christ has come to all, he declared. – These hands, which we admire in the manger, are open not only to Mary, Joseph, the shepherds who were there that night, but also to people from far away. And this is the beautiful truth of our faith. The point is that the church should be an extension of Christ's hands, that is, it should be open to everyone and welcome everyone, he added.

Archbishop Galbas also invited people to participate in the Epiphany service.

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