Paul, a parishioner of a Catholic church in Lexington, Kentucky, posted a photo of a same-sex couple “blessing” on their official Facebook page. The photo shows a rainbow-clad parishioner, Father Richard Watson, holding out his hands for a “blessing”. A lesbian couple. The whole scene took place inside the church at the altar.

“History was written on Sunday at St. Paul's Catholic Church,” reads the text accompanying the photo, “this 22-year-old same-sex couple asked for a blessing, which Fr “Richard voluntarily provided the information in accordance with the instructions contained in Fiducia Supplicans,” he added.


Some have argued that the “blessing” shown in the photo is an abuse of the Vatican's declaration, as the priest performs the stole and performs the “ceremony” in the church. It is said to be a violation of the document's call to introduce a new form of “blessing” that should be non-liturgical and “spontaneous”.

On its website, the parish of the Catholic Church of St. Paul states that “LGBTQ+ Catholics, families, friends and supporters are welcome” at this church.

A controversial statement

The declaration of “Fiducia supplicans” led to A huge controversy in the Catholic world. We remind you that the document approved by the Pope and published on December 18 de facto allows the “blessing” to be given to same-sex couples and those whose status is “irregular” (in practice, this refers to non-sacramental people. Relationships).

Supporters of the declaration point out that such a “blessing” in no way “officially affirms the status” of those who receive it or changes the Church's doctrinal teaching on sexuality and marriage.

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