The official website of Chopin Airport warns of “abandoned luggage worth PLN 13”. The carrier has spoken several times about false sales offers and allegedly abandoned suitcases. Although the fraudsters share photos of passenger bags full of headphones, speakers and tablets, the airport authorities are clear – this is a scam.

Chopin Airport shared a post in which Warns of false advertising regarding the alleged sale of luggage left at the airport with content.

“We remind you and warn you once again Chopin Airport does not sell lost luggage!“- it was written.

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“There are websites all the time that impersonate us and offer to sell our left over or lost suitcases. This is a scam and attempts to extort your data,” the carrier warns.

Chopin Airport warns against fraudsters. The institution does not sell suitcases

The case of “allegedly abandoned” suitcases has been going on since last year. However, new, fake ads for sale keep popping up. Moreover, there is no dearth of people who follow such posts They share photos of the suitcases they allegedly bought.

Under such photos, there is a note that conveys the information that the person found headphones, speakers, tablets, hair dryers, cameras or jewelry in the bag and all that. Only 13 PLN.

look: Reported package from number 452402127. This is a scam

These ads are fake, and actions are taken to obtain sensitive buyer data. Sharing such information with the wrong person can have serious consequences.

This is a scam, they said on the radio. The airport has nothing to do with it“,”Don't be fooled“,”A good trick to fool people“- warn Internet users in the comments.

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