It is already known that in connection with the scandal against Marcin Katzki, the consequences will follow his last text. In “Gazeta Wyborcza” he wrote about “badly loved women” and admitted between the lines that he himself had gone too far in relationships and sexual acts. What exactly were these actions, wrote Karolina Rogaska, who presented herself as a victim of Ketsky.

in your text Markin Katzki He wrote about the various types of relationships he experienced with women. He named: “My Journalism – Alcohol, Failed Therapies, Women Loved Badly, Neglected Daughters and Fear of the Dawn”.

In the text, he made extensive references to his relationships with women and also admitted that he did not always behave cleanly and properly.

Karolina Rogaska responds to Marcin Katzky's text

Among the conversations Katzki described was one he had with a “young journalist” discussing a situation that had once happened between them. “He said what I did then that he was surprised (…) that yes, it was inside him, he called my behavior an insult and said that I should remember that no means no. (…) I was not” no I was surprised that it was “he carried the memory for years,” he wrote.

The poetic description was quickly explained by the woman Ketsky was writing about. It turned out to be his “Newsweek” journalist Karolina Rogaska. In a public Facebook post, she detailed an intimate or even intimate relationship sexual situation, in which Keck behaved vulgarly and persistently towards her. As he emphasized, he made it known repeatedly that he did not want this to happen.

“Marcin, if you were so honest in your text, why didn't you write directly what you would do to me and the other girls? Why didn't you write that you treated my repeated 'no' as if it didn't exist. Why didn't you tell me that 'now you refuse “And when you turn thirty, won't you be so picky and kiss me whenever you want?” Stripping and masturbation Despite my obvious fear? Disgusting behavior,” Rogaska describes.

Ketsky's apology should have been sent to him only in a text message. “Yes, Marcin, I have proof of this, because I recorded our conversation,” the journalist added.

The Institute of Reportage responds to Katski's case

The controversial issue was quickly reflected in the reaction Institute of Reporting, for which lessons were held by Marcin Ketski. The subdivision issued a statement along with the announcement of the results against Ketski.

“Karolina Rogaska is a graduate of the Polish school of reporting and our friend, we learned a few weeks ago that she was harmed by Marcin Katzki. We removed him from working with PSR studentsWe informed him of the reasons for this decision,” the statement of the Institute of Reportage reads.

“Yesterday he published a text of recognition in Gazeta Wyborcza, and today Karolina Rogaska published her response to this text on her FB. Karolina, we support you, we are with you. We believe what you say and we respect your courage,” he said. . .

At this time, there is no information whether Marcin Ketski's other professional results will be threatened in light of the disclosed information.

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