The Minister of Education was a guest of the program Dzień Dobry on TVN. Before the journalists' questions, the students' notes were passed, where they said what they were worried about the state of Polish schools. Children complained about the hours of lessons, backpacks laden with books, as well as hygiene issues, including a lack of soap in the school's bathrooms. The head of the ministry responded to the accusations.

Recently, we learned that the Minister of Education, Barbara Novacka, is facing the students. As we say at naTemat, he replied Student postwho complained that points were deducted for his behavior because He did not transfer the money to Shlachetna Pachka.

There will still be time to verify the actions of the new head of the ministry, but there are many indications that he is trying to listen to the voices of children. These are voices that have recently been quoted on the show Good morning TVNwhere Novacka was a guest.

Regarding the visit of the head of the ministry, the journalists of the channel prepared the material based on the statements of the students. They talked about what they believed schools were failing to do.

The perfect Polish school? one with soap

Children raised many issues. He was among them shift system – Some students said that they had to get up even at four o'clock in the morning, others said that they studied only from noon to late evening. Others talked about high prices in school stores, others about sad and gray classrooms, which they would gladly replace with colorful classrooms.

However, it was not this that attracted the greatest attention of Minister Novacka, but the statement of a ten-year-old teenager: “It's been a long time.” school I am and have never seen this happen soap – said the girl.

Based on the statement, the head of the ministry said that this fact is “deeply disturbing”. At the same time, he did not deny that it was so. – It's time for children not to feel humiliated Lack of hygiene products – he commented.

Reform of Polish schools. Barbara Novacka's plan

As we learned from TVN, Barbara Novacka wants to be the Minister of Education Appointment of student ombudsman in the Ministry and individual school councils.

The ministry's plans also include the reduction of the core curriculum, which we heard about a few months ago and which the minister has now justified:

– Children come to school sad, tired and educated – he said. He also said that the Polish language program will be cut by about 20%. already since September. He announced that work New Core Curriculum It is already underway, with the help of teachers. “My way,” he added.

School without homework and the big reform in 2026

Barbara Novacka also announced what has already been announced before, but there are many indications that it will become a fact. Talking about something away homework.

“An appalling amount of homework, where the child is judged on the parent's competence or rehearsals,” he commented on the system, adding that it “fuels an unnecessary rat race.”

In the beginning No homework is to apply to primary schools, but as the minister said, “the teacher has no obstacle to stop giving them”, which also applies to secondary schools.

A big reform, which will completely change Polish schools, will be introduced from 2026. “I'm tired of hearing that someone thinks something, the minister has a hunch, let's investigate,” he said.

The announced reforms in Polish education also include: Limiting the number of hours Religion lessons. Katarzina Lubnauer said that they will be halved, i.e. to one hour a week.

– One religion lesson after the lessons or before the lessons, without assessment in religion on the calculated average – said the deputy head of the ministry. We can expect such changes in schools From September 1, 2024.

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