The waves glowed in the dark. Amazing footage from California in 2020

At the end of the year, residents in California were treated to an amazing phenomenon that made the waves glow blue. Local television immortalized bioluminescence, the glow of living organisms caused by plankton blooms. When marine organisms are moved by waves, light becomes visible.

While walking on the beach in Long Beach, California, at the end of December, he had the opportunity to see an exceptionally spectacular phenomenon. in the night hours The waves of the sea looked shiny and blue. During the day, the water can be dark red, brown or orange.

“Lightning Waves” in California. There is a record

Some admired the beach effect, others decided Taking advantage of night cruises on “illuminated” waters. The ABC7 television website posted the recording from Belmont Shore.

It is responsible for the bioluminescence effect plankton bloom. When organisms move in waves, Light becomes visible.

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Marine organisms have the ability to control the process of bioluminescence – so that Use it at appropriate moments, for example, when there is danger. They can do this by: Narrowing or dilation of blood vessels. They control the blood flow and, therefore, the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the photophores – special light organs.

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