Law and Justice politicians gather on social media to march on January 11 to 'protect public media'. They also call for “free Poles” to participate. One of the portals recently published what the preparations should be and it turns out that the current opposition is doing everything to avoid failure.

Thursday January 11 in Warsaw There will be a march to protect public media. He organizes a picket law and justiceBut previous protests in front of TVP headquarters have shown that attendance can be a problem.

PiS politicians and activists must do everything possible to prevent the activism from failing. Onet He revealed what preparation for the manifestation should be like.

PiS is organizing a march on January 11. “they force people”

As we read, there are regions where the deputies' offices are called by themselves. – I don't remember such mobilization. Usually, in recent years, even from Kielce district, there were three, maybe four buses, and now many more are being prepared, PiS Senator Krzysztof Slon from Swietokrzysk told the portal.

Other PiS activists claim that they “caught the wind in their sails”. However, it turns out that where mobilization should look worse, People are “forced to leave”.

“There are places where it is held Recruitment of “volunteers”. upon departure. NSZZ “Solidarność” sent emails to Lublin offices explaining how to issue an invoice to PiS for the trip to Warsaw,” we read.

The signal about participation in the “March of Free Poles” was received by the councilor of the Krasznik district and the head of the PSL advisory club. Andrzej Mai. The representative of the local government published a note on the social network, where he demanded explanations from the district government.

“According to my interlocutors, the officials of the district office and subordinate units must receive an official order from the leaders associated with PiS to participate in this event. If this is true, then I ask if this is a protest of “free” Poles. should it look like PiS has enslaved people for the past few years. It's been 8 years and I'm still trying to do it… thankfully it's history,” he wrote.

Andrzej asked the Starosta of Krasnik Pavel Kudreli and Secretary of State Lukasz Skokowski questions.

“Would you directly or indirectly give or at least give orders to the employees and organizational units of the Krashnik District Office to force them to go to the above-mentioned meeting?” In this regard, there were or are employees of the district office. Were they intimidated and forced to go to the building of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on January 11 for an event organized by PiS? – we are reading.

Also read:,19-30-drwi-z-marszu-milionerow

– I would like to inform you that the employees of the Krashnik district office, as well as the organizational units of the district, did not receive an order to go to the event held on January 11 of this year. “March of free Poles” in Warsaw – said staroste Kurdel, quoted by Onet.

Kaczynski: “Great evil is happening”

Days after being sworn in, the new government moved to wrest control of state media from PiS. The current opposition claims that the action of “Colonel Sienkiewicz” (Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz) is illegal and promotes the “protest of free Poles”.

– Today we have a real problem of democracy. she said Yaroslav Kaczynski At the last press conference And he called the actions of the October 15 coalition against the public media “completely illegal”. – This is what is extremely disturbing – he argued.

In his speech, the PiS president called on people to take part in the rally on January 11, so that Poland does not become only “a territory inhabited by Poles”. – A great evil is happening in our country – he said.

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