Father Daniel Wachowiak works at St. Brother Albert in Koziegłów near Poznań, he somewhat follows the change of faith of his countrymen. He regularly posts his thoughts on the X platform. In his last post, he focused on the growing popularity of fortune-tellers in Poland. His words caused a great uproar among Internet users.

Father Wachowiak is strict about using the services of fortune tellers. “Poles are idiots”

F. Daniel Wachowiakis more widely known to the public thanks to his online activity, including: on YouTubeLast year, he expressed displeasure over the lack of a Polish flag at the entrance of a Ukrainian dumpling shop, prompting a wave of criticism and accusations of xenophobia from netizens.

Then he decided to comment out loud as well YouTuber scandalcalled “Pandora's Gate”. He noted that when reprehensible acts happen on the Internet, no one turns off their Wi-Fi, but when accusations involve priests, many people leave the church.

“More and more scandals are emerging with influencers and YouTubers. No one in their right mind would give up WiFi because of this, or watching movies on the Internet. And yet, when it comes to the disgusting things that the priests do, People can shout that they were smoking a church– writes the priest.

This time, on January 6, on the X platform, he tried a new reflection. She said “Poles are secularizers, heathens and idiots.” What did Father Wachowiak mean by this statement? As he noted: “Currently more are registered in Poland 15 thousand people who provide divination services“.

It should be noted that in the country PKD code (Polish Classification of Activities) 96.09.Z “Other service activities, not elsewhere classified” includes Astrological and spiritual activities. Persons carrying out such business activities are liable to pay tax on their services income tax.

The priest angered the internet users with his words. “In 2021, there were more than 29,000 priests in Poland. Priests and fortune tellers provide a similar service to society. Also shamans, druids, priests of other faiths. I understand the fear of competition, but why insult?”;It hurts because they are screwing up the market. It would be good if they allocated a plot of land for the church fund. And that's it Competition and steal customers“But Catholics, not atheists, like to go to these fortune tellers, you know?” – we read in the comments.

One internet user asked the priest: “Maybe if the Catholic Church would support science more and really improve the standard of living of the communities it leads, instead of politicsWould people then be more willing to stick with the church (instead of its neo-medieval development)?

Another netizen added: “What does gingerbread have to do with a windmill? How does the increase in the number of people who believe in magic prove secularization? Secularization is the separation of church and state, ie removing crosses from public buildings by cutting off the cross. Concordat is not an exception to the GDPR for the criminal code, not fortune tellers and horoscopes“.

Let us note that the above-mentioned post is not the first time that Fr. Wachowiak raises the issue of secularization of society. In the past, it has already dealt with such issues as the participation of young people in the Holy Mass.

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