“Tell him to ask his wife what it means to have a ball. She knows,” president Andrzej Duda wrote on the X website (formerly Twitter) Thursday night, then quickly deleted the post. However, this did not go unnoticed by Internet users, who are still speculating who could have been the addressee of these words.

His chief of staff, Marcin Mastalerek, was asked about the behavior of the head of state on Polsat News. – This was a personal correspondence that the president had to send to someone. It was quickly deleted, I don't want to comment on it. The president took it out and that was it, he said.

When asked who this recording was about, Mastalerek turned to Radoslav Fogiel from PiS, who was in the studio, and said: – I think MP Fogiel knows that this person already knows.

– I think the one mentioned in the note already knows. I have no idea who he is, the PiS politician said with a smile.

Barbara Dolniak from KO joined the discussion. – Ladies and gentlemen, at this moment we are talking about the most important person of the country, the president. Is this a joke formula? What are we letting this whole situation do? – he asked.

– Do you think the president does not have the right to send a personal message? Well, the president made a mistake, so what? Is he supposed to be rigid and can't message anyone privately? Mastalerek said.

– If he sends private messages, he should make sure that they do not end up in the public space, – added Dolniak. – He is looking at it and that's why he took it out – replied Mastalerek.

Andrzej Duda's profile on the X platform has more than 1.8 million followers. Duda has been the president since 2015. In 2020, he won a runoff against PO candidate Rafal Trzaszkowski and began his second and final term in the presidential palace.

(tags translated) President

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