Szczecin Regional Prosecutor's Office 30 people were charged Regarding corruption in the specialized hospital named after Prof. Alfred Sokolowski in Szczecin-Zdunow, led by Prof. Tomasz Grodzki.

The procedure involved asking the patients for PLN 10,000. PLN in exchange for admitting them to a hospital outside the official waiting list and undergoing bariatric surgery, the cost of which was reimbursed from the National Health Fund.

The money donated by the patients was transferred to the account of the Szczecin Transplant Support Fund and through it transferred to the doctors employed at the Szczecin Hospital. As a result, patients who paid had their surgery within months of the announcement of such payment, while the average waiting time for other people for bariatric surgery was about 2 years.

“Law enforcement agencies are trying to discredit Tomasz Grodzki”

According to the prosecutor's office, the former speaker of the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki, was the “initiator and initiator of such action”. He has not been charged. On Sunday, the response of the representative of the civil coalition senator appeared.

“The statement of the prosecutor's office contains an attempt to manipulate, because it assumes that Professor Tomáš Grodzki has been charged with criminal law, which is not true. It is also wrong to assume that all the accused in the case are doctors employed by the hospital. Among the defendants are three doctors – prominent specialists in their field, an accountant and 26 patients,” said Jacek Dubois in a letter to Polsat News. The lawyer explained that the patients were charged because they refused to confirm to the prosecutor that they were forcing the fund to pay for medical services. Payments must be made voluntarily and legally.

“According to Professor Tomáš Grodzki, the action of the prosecutor's office is another attempt to discredit him by connecting his name with corruption by the prosecutor's office associated with the former minister of justice,” we read. As mentioned, the KO senator is “convinced of the innocence of all the accused” who – in his opinion – became victims of the activities of the “political prosecution”. “The trial was aimed at undermining the authority of Professor Tomasz Grodzki, whom law enforcement agencies are trying to discredit to cover up another scandal at his expense with persons associated with the Law and Justice Party,” wrote lawyer Jacek Dubois.

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Is the Deputy Minister of Justice the wife of a famous boss? “Conflict of interest”

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