It appeared in the weekend edition of Gazeta Wyborcza. Marcin Kącki's article, which caused a great stir in public opinion. The journalist decided to confess about his personal life. In the text “My journalism – alcohol, failed therapies, women in love, neglected daughters and the fear of dawn” he described, among others. After the death of his older brother, he justified his relationship with women and his bad behavior with family trauma, working conditions or alcohol addiction.

It quickly became clear that the issue had a deeper meaning.

Marcin Kącki under fire from fellow journalists. What do they write about it?

A discussion started among the journalists about the behavior of their colleague. People associated with “Gazeta Wyborcza” also spoke.

“I read the accusations against Marcin Katski and I have the impression that they are talking about a person I do not know at all. Because for me, Katski was always a person I trusted, who supported me in the most difficult moments. Who stood by me when others turned their backs. Marcin supported me when depression recurred due to the Russian attack on Ukraine and the environment's reaction to my texts,” writes Victoria Bieliazin, a journalist at “GW”. Social media. “I also know Karolina Rogaska. He is a brave, empathetic, sensitive journalist. And I can't even describe how sorry and how angry I am that something like this happened to him. Because this behavior cannot be defended,” he added.

“It confuses me when I read how MK uses the person of Eva Vanat, who died less than a month ago, in the text to justify his behavior towards women. I don't know how Eva Katski's work will be evaluated today, but. I may doubt it. He wrote several personal messages to her, words that she will remember for the rest of her life”, – read Wojciech Tochman's comment.

“The article was published at my place of work, and although I have nothing to do with it, we share a place of work, that's why I can write on my own behalf, because I don't want to sign for others – sorry. I feel that the newspaper – again – instead of taking the side of the offending, puts those who have been harmed first. Another lesson for all of us – stop being silent. Because what Katzki describes shouldn't just be the subject of an article. But thinking about what we have done in this profession. And who do we become when we gain the power to talk to the audience,” Wojciech Schott, a journalist from the “Wyborcza” culture department, wrote on Facebook.

“Newsweek” journalist Dominika Dlugosz accused “Gazeta Wyborcza” of not taking Katzki's case seriously enough. “Just like Keck's 'sorry' wasn't an apology at all, Uiborza's statement isn't a statement at all.”

Tomasz Siekielski also spoke on this topic. “Marcin Katzki tried to build a monument to himself.” “Gazeta Wyborcza gave him the right to do it,” he wrote on X.

Article-recognition. Ketsky described his injuries

As Katski admitted in the article, he is currently in a long-term relationship and undergoing psychotherapy. It was the therapist who told him to contact his former partners and apologize for his behavior.

“But those phones were pretty safe, so who didn't I call in those nearly seven years of therapy and love? The one I told her was over and was as good as a mother to me – I was ashamed, the one I wanted. kiss and only spent the night in a friendly way and preferred to walk alone in the night Bialystok – f**k, how I was ashamed; The one who didn't sleep all night because he held my hand all night. , who had his own plans when we were high on hashish – shame; Those I lied to—shame, hey,” he listed regretfully.

He urged people to read Keck's text “to the end”, including Bartosz Wielinski, deputy editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza.

The victim of Ketski spoke. “I'm tired of the cult of torture”

However, it quickly became clear that the matter had a deeper meaning. The statement of “Newsweek Polska” journalist Karolina Rogaska was published on the social network, where it is directly written that she was a victim of sexual violence by Katzki.

“I can no longer remain silent, even though I know that this may lead to lynching. Unfortunately, I know how victims are treated. But I am tired of the cult of torture. People read Katzky's text and applaud. Without thinking about it, I wonder what It happened to dozens of victims mentioned in it,” he wrote on Facebook. “For me, and I am one of the victims, everything is not good,” he emphasized.

He also described Ketsky's actions against him.

“Actually, I'll probably get a sincere apology for the huge amount of damage that was caused by my lack of confidence, discussing the topic in therapy, anxiety disorders. Markin, if you were so honest in your text, why didn't you just write directly what you hurt me and the other girls, why didn't you write that You treated my repeated no as if it was invalid, why didn't you tell me “you say no now and when you're 30 you won't be so picky and crazy when you want”? How appropriate is “you decided to strip and masturbate despite my obvious terror?” Disgusting behavior. disgusting. Sorry to be so literal, but I don't have the power for half a word anymore,'' he said.

He also assessed that Ketsky's confession in “Gazeta Wyborcza” was only intended to protect his good name. She also accused him of never hearing a sincere apology, contrary to what he wrote.

“Now I have a feeling that this conversation, these phone calls, was just another “gathering of text material”. That we should build a strong monument for ourselves, so that it will be more difficult to deny it. To those who don't know the context, this sounds like a sincere confession, but isn't it? – he suggested.


Solidarity with Karolina Rogaska was expressed by the Polish School of Reportage, led by the Fundy Reportage Institute.

“A few weeks ago, we found out that he was harmed by Marcin Katzki. We dismissed him from cooperation with PSR students and informed him about the reasons for this decision”, – the information was spread on Facebook, and the journalist was assured of support. The statement is signed by the president of the foundation Mariusz Szczygiel, members of the program board of the Polish School of Reporting: Olga Gitkiewicz, Juliana Yonec-Springer, Kamil Baluk, Pawel Gozlinski and Philip Springer, and the school's coordinator Aleksandra Pakiela.


“Gazeta Wyborcza” suspended the work of the journalist

The topic of Marcin Katzki's article and Karolina Rogatska's confession aroused great interest. The lady was confronted by many well-known journalists who clearly condemned the attitude of the “Gazeta Vibortsa” employee.

Finally, on Saturday evening, Roman Imielski, who replaced Jaroslav Kurski as the first deputy editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza in early January, issued a statement on this matter. “We take these statements very seriously and we will explain this issue on our pages,” he said.

Sunday afternoon The statement was published on the website of the newspaper.

“Wyborcza's editors decided to suspend Marcin Katzky and thus exclude him from working with authors,” the statement said.

As it was explained, “until Karolina Rogaska's entrance on Saturday and later the statement of the Polish school of reporting, no one in the editorial office of Gazeta Wyborcza knew that Markin Katzki had been accused of sexual violence by Karolina Rogaska and that he It was suspended by the Polish school of reporting.

Moreover, Marcin Katzki allegedly did not inform anyone about the above facts when submitting the text, “which abused our and our readers' trust.”

As a result, the editorial staff of “Gazeta Wyborcza” published his “confession”, not knowing that it could have a second meaning – it was preceded by the justification of his own crimes,” we read.

The communiqué was signed by Roman Imielski, Aleksandra Sobchak and Bartosz T. Vielinsky.

Also read:
“Did the mainstream moralists tolerate pathology? “Vibortsa” and its journalist under fire

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