Following the changes at Telewizja Polska, most of the journalists that TVP viewers have become accustomed to in recent years will no longer appear on the air. The media publishes information about something new almost every day Bringing famous names back to public mediawho bid them farewell in the time of law and justice.

Now it turns out that changes are happening even in the new team in the public media.

Tomasz Marzek disappears from the editorial office of “7:30”.

As Wirtualne Media unofficially reports, reporter Tomáš Marzek is saying goodbye to the editorial team of “Akhali” TVP's main news release – “19:30”. It is not yet known whether the journalist will cooperate with other editorial offices of TVP. Marzek himself did not want to comment on this issue. Pawel Pluska, who runs the new version of TVP's “Wiadomości”, has yet to comment.

As the portal Wirtualnemiedia recalls, Tomasz Marzek was one of the first reporters to join the new news program of Polish television. The website announced the transfer to TVP in mid-December 2023. His first material “19:30” could be seen on Saturday, December 23. He spoke about the transition to the Gregorian calendar of the Greek Catholic Church during the celebration of Christmas.

The reporter's materials were not seen in “7:30” for several days.

Before he joined the “new” TVP, he worked in the press office of the Supreme Audit Office until November 2022. Tomasz Marzek led the team that prepared media releases on the results of the audits conducted by the Supreme Audit Office.

New “Wiadomości” on TVP. now it's “19:30”

On Wednesday, December 20, in the “Wiadomości” studio, among others: Michal Rachon, Bronislav Wildstein, President of the Institute of National Memory Karol Nawrock, heads of TAI and “Wiadomości”, as well as reporters of the program. Everything was shown by Republika TV. Meanwhile, at 19:30 on TVP 1 and TVP Info there was a short announcement by Marek Czyz about the changes in the station.

The program returned to TVP with a new version on Thursday, December 21. “19:30” – that's how it's been called since that day New version of “Wiadomości” TVP. In the first program, the most space was devoted to changes in the public media and the Polish Press Agency.

The editor of the new format is Pavel Pluska, who was previously associated with TVN's “Fakty” for many years. The first two editions were hosted by Marek Čiži, and Joanna Dunikowska-Paži made her debut as host on Saturday.

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He survived the “purge” on TVP. The internet went crazy. “must be removed”
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(tags translated)tomasz marzec

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