In recent weeks, there has been a real revolution in public media. On December 27, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz decided… Liquidation of Polish Television, Polish Radio and Polish Press Agency. A week earlier, Sienkiewicz dismissed the presidents of TVP, PR and PAP. The new management boards of the companies were elected by the new supervisory boards appointed by the minister.

The National Media Council and the current governing board of media companies consider the actions of Minister Sienkevich illegal. PiS politicians talk about an “attack” on public media.

“Many actions of the public media were characterized by treason”

– TVP, TVP Info, Polskie Radio were financed by state money and they acted against their own state. I will say more firmly: many of their actions had the characteristics of state treason – said Marshal of the Seimas Szymon Holovnia in an interview with – The spread of internal unrest attracts external aggression. The media in question used lies, manipulation, hatred and spreading division to destabilize Polish society, he said.

– I don't think that Minister Sienkevich would have behaved as PiS once did. I believe that the minister found himself in an exceptional situation, in a harmful legal loophole created by PiS, and he has to deal with it somehow – said the leader of Poland 2050.

Holovnia: Duda created a strong “Vice President”

Marshal of the Seimas Shimon Holovnia noted that the government should cooperate with President Andrzej Duda. Creating a draft law on media. – Please note that Andrzej Duda has a solid history of media humiliation by PiS since the time of the previous government. We all remember how Jaroslaw Kaczynski lied to the President because he first dismissed Jacek Kurski and then reinstated him as the President of the TVP. We want to respect the president, not mock him, he said.

– But it should be noted that during the time of Andrzej Duda, a strong “Vice President”, the head of the President's Cabinet, Marcin Mastalerek, appeared. Mr. Mastalerek has a great influence on the president's policy, said Shimon Holovnia.

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“Satanic work”. Holovnia: Kaminski and Vesik should go to prison
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