A proposal to increase the tax-free amount to PLN 60,000. PLN remains in force, its implementation is preceded by analysis and Corresponds to the results of the public finance audit – said the Deputy Minister of Finance, Yaroslav Neneman, in response to the parliamentary interpellation.

“As for the question of what are the intentions to increase the tax PLN 60,000 informs you that this request remains valid. Its implementation will be preceded by an appropriate analysis and, therefore, will be consistent with the results of the public finance audit. This proposal also takes into account the results of the analysis regarding the impact of the change on the IT systems of the payers, including the time required for their implementation in the IT systems and testing of the developed solutions,” the deputy minister wrote.

tax reduction

“Increasing the tax-free amount.” From PLN 30,000 to PLN 60,000 could in 2024 lead to a reduction of the personal income tax burden by around PLN 48 billion.Yaroslav Neneman added.

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See also: A revolution is coming. “There will be fewer jobs for those who know something” – Piotr Voelkel – Part 2

As Neneman noted, the relevant law will be prepared taking into account the legislative directives included in the coalition agreement.

This means that this process includes: reforming the legislative process, opening it up for broad social consultation; Returning the principle of predictability to the tax system by stabilizing the law and restoring dialogue with employers and trade unions. deputy Minister.

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