Anders Breivik, who is responsible for killing 77 people, is currently in Ringerik prison. The Norwegian thinks that the penalty imposed on him is a violation of Art. 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Breivik is suing Norway for the second time “For violation of human rights”.

“Difficult” conditions in the prison

Breivik's lawyer, Oystein Storvik, claims that the isolation is “affecting his client's mental health”. He adds that Breivik is forced to take anti-depressants to “survive” in prison and has suicidal thoughts.

The murderer of 77 people complains about the conditions in which he has to live. Currently, Breivik only has contact with prison staff and is allowed to spend two hours with other prisoners once every two weeks. At its disposal is a gym, a room with a TV and a game console. He also has a cage with three parrots and can play basketball, eat and go to the barbershop.

– There is no indication that he is suffering from mental or physical problems due to the conditions in the prison – claims the lawyer Andreas Hetland.

In 2022, the attacker filed an application for a reduced sentence. The Norwegian court rejected it, but decided to transfer the prisoner from the Telemark facility to Ringerike. His lawyer, quoted by the Norwegian newspaper “Aftenposten”, talked about Breivik's condition in the new prison.

– There were better objects. But over the past year, his condition in Ringerik prison has worsened. We think this is a very unfortunate step after so many years of isolation, Storvik said at the time.

Attacks and Judgment

On July 22, 2011, Anders Breivik committed two terrorist acts. First, he detonated a charge in the Oslo government district, killing eight people and injuring 209, including 12 seriously. Then, on the island of Utoya, where a Norwegian Labor Party youth camp was being held, he shot and killed 69 people and wounded 110.

For his actions, Breivik was sentenced on August 24, 2012 to 21 years in prison – the highest possible sentence in Norway. Under Norwegian law, after serving his sentence, the court can decide to keep Breivik in prison if it is found that he is still a danger to society.


Also read:
He wanted to “overtake” Breivik. Hungary: Norwegian arrested for planning mass murders

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