According to the data in the demand index Housing loansThe value of surveys published by BIK about them increased by 421 percent in December 2023.

The value of the index means that in December 2023, every business day, banks and credit unions sent 421% more home loan inquiries to BIK. compared to December 2022 – the office explains.

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BIK emphasized that the average value of the requested housing loan was reached in December 2023 The highest level in history, 435.27 thousand. zloty.

“Safe credit at 2 percent” led to record demand

Slavomir Nosal Z Credit Information Bureau He drew attention to the fact that potential borrowers submitted applications in December Loan applications The value is four times higher than the previous year. – The demand index reached a historically high level. Demand for home loans is at an all-time high, driven by several factors – he indicated.

BIK also informed about it In December 2023, 46.34 thousand people applied for housing loans. people, which is a 277 percent increase compared to December 2022u, when the number of applicants was 12.3 thousand. people. Compared to November 2023, the number of applicants increased by 16.4 percent.

Slavomir Nosal noticed this This significant increase is mainly the result of interest in the program “Safe credit 2 percent”. – 73 percent of those who applied for a housing loan in December are potential beneficiaries of this program – he explained.

In December, the average cost of a housing loan was PLN 435.27 thousand. PLN (highest in history) and was higher by 25.1%. than in December 2022. Compared to November 2023, it increased by 1.3%. – they informed the bureau.

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