The church of St. Teresa and St. Joan Bosco continues in Lodz Funeral ceremony of Iwona Shledzinska-Katarasinskawho was PO MP for 32 years.

Among others, the ceremony is attended by: Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Dorota Niedziela, Deputy Speaker of the Seimas and Marshal of the Senate Malgorzata Kidava-Blonska.

PAP/Marian Zubrzycki

“He impressed me with his determination and independence”

“It is with great sadness that I said goodbye today to Iwona Schledzinska-Katarasinska, a member of parliament who has many years of outstanding service to Polish parliamentarism and Polish culture,” wrote Seim Marshal Szymon Holonia. Holy Mass. in the Church of St. Teresa and St. John Bosco in Lodz by the Deputy Chairman of the Seimas.

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The Marshal of the Seimas noted that Iwona Shledzinska-Katarasinska “was the longest-serving parliamentarian.” “Iwona Słedzinska-Katarasinska is remembered by her colleagues and friends as a very hard-working person who took her responsibilities with great responsibility and commitment. She stubbornly pursued her goal. She demanded a lot from herself and could be an example of how to act courageously, well and reasonably for public welfare,” Holavnia noted.

“With his consistency and determination, he convinced us that there was no issue that could not be solved. He impressed us with his determination and independence. He enjoyed authority and respect, even among political opponents,” the Sejm Marshal emphasized.

“He will protect us from above”

Marshal of the Senate Malgorzata Kidava-Blonska recalled that Iwona Szledzinska-Katarasinska “was probably one of the bravest and bravest people” he had ever met.

– Ivona was always there when you needed to be brave and tell the truth. There, he also warns us from above not to make mistakes and just be honest people, Kidava-Blonska said.

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Iwona Shledzinska-Katarasinska will be laid to rest on the Avenue of Honors, Doli Cemetery, Lodz. He has been a deputy since 1991, for the first term of the Seimas until 2023, i.e. the 9th term, representing the Democratic Union (UD), the Freedom Union (UW) and the Civil Platform (PO).

On October 15, 2023, he was not elected to the Seimas for the first time in 32 years. Iwona Shledzinska-Katarasinska died on January 1, 2024 after a serious illness. He would have turned 83 on January 3 of this year.

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