The European Parliament and the European Council (Spanish Presidency) agreed The final form of five separate EU regulations that will determine how “tasks” are to be divided between member states regarding migration and asylum policy.

Migration Pact

The biggest concern in Poland is the issue of forced migration, but interestingly, the migration pact also contains clauses that left-wing organizations do not like. It includes: to tighten regulations regarding the expulsion of so-called refugees from the EU.

In an interview with Jaśmina Nowak on Radio WNET, columnist Kacper Kita from the Nowy Ład portal noted that asylum procedures should be speeded up and shortened to facilitate the return of negatively certified immigrants. – As part of this pact, there is also an agreement that individual EU countries can send back migrants who test negative to countries outside the EU they consider safe, the publicist said. This type of negotiations are ongoing with third countries, such as Rwanda, and an agreement has already been signed between Italy and Albania, Kita said.

Kita: Europe should be self-confident

On the question of how Europe can prepare for the coming years in a mass context Relocation of Palestinians from the Gaza StripKita said that European countries should be confident.

– We cannot agree to accept hundreds of thousands, or even two million refugees at a time when these people should build their future in the area where they live today, that is, in the Gaza Strip or other parts of Palestine. Of course, it does not have to be the case that all interested people go to Europe. These people have their own country and the fact that someone (Israel – ed.) wants to take this territory for themselves does not mean that we have to agree. Going this route, in every subsequent territorial conflict in the Middle East, if someone wins the war and captures the territory, the losers will go to Europe. We absolutely cannot agree with that, Kita said. He emphasized that Palestinians have the right to live in their homes and should not be expelled from there.

The publicist reminded that there are many people who want to live in Europe, so stricter asylum procedures should be implemented and deportation agreements with third countries should be signed, as well as pressure on North African countries to block immigrants on their territory before they can slip away. To Europe.. In return, our still rich continent can offer various financial and development benefits.

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Further EU regulations. Confederation: An Attempt at Central Management
Also read:
Disturbing news. Brussels should prepare a “compensation mechanism” for migrants

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