President Andrzej Duda made the announcement After the meeting with the Speaker of the Seimas Shimon Holavnia. The conversation touched on the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik.

President Duda: Kaminski and Vesik were pardoned

– In 2015, four persons were convicted in connection with the prosecution of corruption. As a result, ministers Kaminski and Wąsik were convicted under very controversial circumstances at the time. Then I decided to pardon the convicts, first of all the ministers, he recalls.

– The situation we are observing is increasingly tense and affects the current situation in our country. This loop, which is getting more and more complicated, must be broken. The situation is politically and legally very complicated and difficult for those who understand what they are talking about, especially when it comes to citizens. Even lawyers have problems in this regard, Andrzej Duda said.

– My position is clear. They were actually pardoned by the president. This finally closed the case. Today, these gentlemen have parliamentary mandates, he added. – I suggested to Marshal that the amnesty was and is effective since 2015, – said the president.

– We could not reach an agreement. We shook hands, said Duda.

Statement of the President of the Supreme Court

On Monday The President of the Supreme Court, Malgorzata Manovska, issued a statementIn which he writes “about the illegal actions of the President of the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber of the Supreme Court and the Speaker of the Seimas”.

President Manowska emphasizes that there has been a “significant violation” of the legal order of the Republic of Poland “as a result of the arbitrariness of the President of the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance, who acts in consultation with the Speaker of the Sejm.” The body of the legislative authority”.

Decision of the Extraordinary Control Chamber

On Friday, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas Regarding the announcement of the expiration of the mandate of MP Mariusz Kaminski. Earlier, the Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court made a similar decision in the case of Deputy Maciej Vasik.

The case causes great emotions. The ruling coalition and part of the legal community claim that the Supreme Court's Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber does not represent a de facto court due to improper appointment.

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Kaminsky clearly stated what would prevent him from voting in the Seimas
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Wąsik: I was unlucky with the court. This judgment is clear
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“Satanic work”. Holovnia: Kaminski and Vesik should go to prison

(tags translated) Andrzej Duda

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