The case of convicted PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic has fueled public opinion for weeks because they have not yet been sent to prison. They were sentenced to two years in prison. On Monday, the media reported on the new court decision in their case.

However, Kaminski and Vesik will go to prison

“There is Decision of the District Court Kaminski and Vesik should go to prison“The documentation is already ready” – TVN24 reporter Sebastian Napierai provided this information on the website X. Thus, PiS politicians can go to jail at any time.

The journalist also showed the court document on this case. As we read in it, “these applications have been recognized today”. This letter states that “the Warsaw District Court in Warsaw decided:

  • on the basis of Article 9 § 1 of the Criminal Code, a contrario, not to accept statements on the refusal to initiate enforcement proceedings against the convicted MK and MW;
  • on the basis of Article 15 § 1 of the Criminal Code, a contrario, not to take into account the request of the prosecutor and the defender to terminate the execution proceedings of the convicts MK, MW, GP and KB (the last two are CBA-ed.). agency;
  • on the basis of Article 9§4 of the Criminal Code, to disagree with the request to suspend the execution of the 2-year imprisonment of the convicted persons MK and MW by the decision of the Warsaw District Court of December 20, 2023, case no. File X Ka 613/23 amending the decision of the Warsaw District Court in Warsaw dated 30 March 2015 in case K 784/10.

“The parties can appeal the above-mentioned decision only against the decision to refuse to terminate the enforcement proceedings (paragraph 2)” – we learn from this letter.

Also on Monday, the TVN24 portal reported that the judge who was supposed to enforce the two-year prison terms against Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik extended his sick leave. Then he plans a vacation. Accordingly, this case was transferred to another judge.

Verdict of PiS politicians Kaminski and Vesik

Reminder: at the end of 2023, the Warsaw District Court issued a decision regarding the actions of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik in the so-called Land scandal in 2007. PiS politicians were sentenced to two years in prison.

However, Kaminsky is going to appear in the Seimas this week. He repeated these statements on the social network on Monday afternoon. “I am a deputy and only physical violence can prevent me from participating in the sessions of the Seimas. The lawlessness we have in the country now could land me in jail. But I will fight there and be the first political prisoner since 1989. I will remain a free man,” he wrote on X.

Also read:,nowy-sedzia-zajmie-sie-sprawa-kaminskiego-i-wasika-wiadomo-czemu

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