On Monday, at the invitation of Andrzej Duda, a meeting between the President and the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, was held in the Presidential Palace. The conversation touched on the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik.

Responsibility before the state

As Holovnia mentioned in a conversation with journalists after the meeting, the disagreement between the two politicians made itself felt, but the whole conversation took place in the spirit of responsibility to the state.

– It was a good atmosphere. I can't say that we were laughing at each other, because there are significant differences between us, but the whole conversation took place with a sense of responsibility towards the state. The president and I, as the speaker of the Seimas, in this clear crisis that we are in, despite the difference in positions, we must make sure that this crisis does not escalate and does not cause unnecessary emotions that we already have. Today is enough, he said.

The Marshal of the Sejm said that both the president and him remain in their positions in the matter of Kaminski and Vesik. Andrzej Duda believes that the law of grace he used remains valid. On the other hand, Holovnia believes that the mandate of both MPs has actually expired and they should serve the imposed prison terms.

– Everyone stayed in their positions. Because we are from two different political worlds. But these differences should not deepen the fissures and turmoil that might otherwise arise in the country. And here we had a complete agreement with the president, he said.

The case of Kaminski and Vesik

On Friday, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas Regarding the announcement of the expiration of the mandate of MP Mariusz Kaminski. Earlier, the Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court made a similar decision in the case of Deputy Maciej Vasik.

Meanwhile, on Monday, the Warsaw-Śródmieście District Court prepared orders for the transfer of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik to prison.

Also read:
Bringing Kaminski and Vesik. The court made a decision
Also read:
The case of Kaminski and Vesik. President Duda's statement after the meeting with Holonia
Also read:
Kaminsky clearly stated what would prevent him from voting in the Seimas

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