On Monday, arrest warrants were issued for PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesic. They were legally sentenced to two years in prison. In the evening, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration spoke about their issue.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration reacts to the arrest warrant for PiS politicians

The police are still waiting for the court's decision on the arrest of M. Kaminski and M. Vasik.. After receiving it, relevant actions will be taken immediately,” wrote the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Markin Kiervinski on the X platform.

This is a reaction to the police statement on this matter. “Due to a number of inquiries by journalists, I inform you that the court's decisions, which gave the police M. Kaminski and M. obliges him to bring Vasik, he has not received it so far. After receiving the relevant documents, the police will carry out administrative activities in the prescribed manner. by law,” the police said on the X website on Monday evening.

Decision of the capital court regarding PiS politicians

On Monday, the District Court of the capital Warsaw rejected a request to suspend the execution proceedings and ordered the two PiS politicians to be taken to prison.

We remind you: at the end of 2023, the Warsaw District Court issued a final decision regarding the actions of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik in the so-called Land scandal in 2007. PiS politicians were sentenced to two years in prison.

So far, only Maciej Wąsik has spoken about the arrest warrant. – Then arrest those MPs who have immunity. Because the Supreme Court decided that we are MPs again – Macie Vesik told Onet on Monday afternoon. He learned about the court's decision from the news portal. He also informed that “he will not publicly speculate on what legal action they (Kaminski-ed.) will take.”

Also read: https://natemat.pl/535019,kaminski-i-wasik-ida-siedziec-policja-wydala-komunikat-po-decyzji-sadu

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