German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called on EU countries to provide more military aid this year. Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression. A full-scale war has been going on since February 24, 2022. So far, a military solution to this conflict does not appear on the horizon. With neither side achieving a decisive victory, the war has become a war of position.

Scholz's appeal

Scholz made the announcement Monday after meeting with Luxembourg's new prime minister, Lux Frieden, in Berlin.

According to the German chancellor, the supply of weapons to Ukraine planned by most of the EU member states to date is “at least very small”. “I therefore call on our allies in the European Union to also strengthen their efforts for Ukraine,” he added.

Olaf Scholz believes that no later than the next EU summit, which will be held on February 1, the EU should have the most accurate idea of ​​what the European partners will bring to support Ukraine this year.

“Europe must show that it is on the side of Ukraine, on the side of freedom, international law and European values,” emphasized the German politician.

The German chancellor noted that his country is the largest donor of aid to Ukraine after the United States and has already allocated 8 billion euros to Ukraine in weapons and military equipment, as well as humanitarian and financial aid, by 2024.

With additional aid to Ukraine blocked in the US Congress and delayed approval of a four-year, €50 billion aid plan, the EU is increasingly calling for more active support from Kiev this year.

Last week, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski explained in detail why the continuation of military support to Ukraine is in the interests of Europe and why the West should not talk about “fatigue with Ukraine” – website Ukraińska Pravda recalls.

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