In December 2023, Mateusz Morawiecki finally said goodbye to government functions. less than a month ago His “two-week” government collapsedWhich was the epilogue of his eight years of continuous work (first as Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Development, then as Minister of Finance and since 2017 as Prime Minister). However, he received a huge sum of money from the Prime Minister's office as consolation“Fakti” website reports.

Giant payment from the Chancellery of the Prime Minister Morawiecki

The Prime Minister is officially employed in the Prime Minister's Office. And if so, he is entitled to leave. He can take 26 days off every year.

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The newspaper asked him in the chancellery how many days he used and how much money the former head of government will receive Compensation for unused vacation. It turns out that when Mateusz Morawiecki was the prime minister, he hardly ever rested.

Due to termination of employment (Mateusz Morawiecki – editor's note) Acquired the right to a cash equivalent of PLN 118,000. PLN 077.44 for total unused vacation for 104 days – they told “Fact” in the government information center.

The newspaper also asked his parliamentary office why the former prime minister did not go on vacation. In response, we read that “the position of prime minister, which is taken seriously, rarely allows for vacations.” The office also noted that he also received a large compensation Donald TuskWhen he left the post of head of government in 2014.

It also turns out that the only prime minister did not go on vacation. All members of the previous government (ie Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers) will receive a total of PLN 765,000 from the Prime Minister's Office. PLN 958 96 gr – reports the daily. This amount also includes the aforementioned equivalent of Mateusz Morawiecki.

Not everything is equivalent

“Fact” adds the former prime minister You are also entitled to compensation from the Prime Minister's Office for the amount of pay you have received so far. However, the law firm cannot determine the amount at this time.

And why does he have the right to do that? As we have already explained in money.plIn accordance with the law “On Remuneration of Persons Holding Public Administrative Positions”, persons who have retired from the government retain their temporary right to current remuneration.. If they have held the position for more than one year, the amount of that particular pay will be three months' pay.

However, there is one condition: during this time, they cannot hold another job in order to receive the compensation in full. Otherwise, it is reduced by the amount of the current salary. Mateusz Morawiecki, after becoming a deputy, will receive a parliamentary allowance for this purpose.

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