Young people should be reminded that the term used in the title was once invented by Soviet psychiatrists. Presumably, it was a severe disease that required long-term isolation, mainly with one symptom – invoking the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

NObviously, the above idea is starting to be updated in Poland, and at a really fast pace.

Here is a prominent son of the Polish People's Republic, someone Wojciech Sadurskiwhich has been spewing “love” for the right-wing in practically every statement for years, makes this issue clear.

We are currently in the second stage of restoring democracy and the rule of law. The first stage was the electoral victory: the miracle of October 15, when for the first time in the world the democratic opposition won so crushingly against the populists, despite the destruction of democratic institutions by the previous team. The third stage will take place when legal conditions for the normal functioning of democracy, decent public media, fair competition between the parliamentary majority and the opposition, neutral civil service, independent prosecutor's office and courts, etc. will be created. Today we are in the second stage, which should take us from the first to the third. Is it possible to walk this path in a beautiful, gentle and uncontroversial way? And above all – law-abiding?

Prominent Hungarian jurist and recent Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights, András Sajo, recently published an essay entitled “The Rule of Martial Law”. The title is a deliberate paraphrase of the concept of militant democracy, that is, one that imposes limits. On the political rights of the enemies of democracy who seek to overthrow the democratic system, and for the motto of his essay, Sajo borrows the lament of Odilon Barro, Prime Minister under President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte in 1849: “Legalism is killing us.”

The rule of law, Sajo argues, in the post-authoritarian transition period cannot consist in scrupulous adherence to the letter of legal provisions, especially those introduced by authoritarians, because in such a case “rule of law” degenerates into “rule of law”. And it's not the same. “Rule of law” can be a technique for autocrats to exercise undemocratic power. Such an ideal is often self-destructive, Sajo writes. In such a case, concludes the Hungarian lawyer. Respect for the rule of law blocks measures taken to restore the rule of law.

Andhra's Sajo undoubtedly is highly deserved Hungarian lawyer. Like Sadursky, he gained knowledge in a deep commune; However, unlike Sadurski, whose father's high position in the hierarchy of the Polish People's Republic allowed him to travel abroad (scholarships) and eventually work in Sydney, he only started going after the fall of communism. As a confirmed “democrat” he joined the staff funded by Soros Central European University in Budapest.

Like Sadurski, Kaczynski organically hates Orban.

Perhaps this is the reason why Sadurski sees Sajo as a great lawyer and Sajo responds in the same way.

Moreover, the conclusions of the son of the communist apparatus are very similar.

We are dealing with something similar in Poland now. We have two positions among the Democrats. On the one hand, there are those who demand strict, meticulous respect for all legal provisions, even those of PiS origin, while they are still formally valid, and on the other hand, those who point out that in a situation of complete collapse of the rule of law, such a policy can only be pathological. , strengthen the system and, at best, cause apathy in reforming the state.

It is not surprising that, based on such a premise, Sadursky declares another war on the nation. However, like Jaruzelski in 1981, who attacked only the “extremists” of Solidarity, Sadurski only fights the “Pism”.

However, the general differed from “Professor Sadursky” in that he cared at least about the appearance of law (Ordinance on martial law).

Meanwhile, the son of a communist separatist demands that you don't worry about the law at all.

Instead of the constitution – belief in the “truth” of the new popular front.

Instead of normative law – whim.

As a prime example Pissism Sadursky and his ideological compatriots are introducing an amendment to the National Judicial Council Act that would finally restore (albeit very gently, in my opinion) the nation's sovereignty. According to Sadursky and legal Bolsheviks like him, judges should stand above the nation.

Naturally, old Sadursky will feel like the creator of the new gods, after all, he has already corrupted several generations of students by instilling in them his crazy visions.

It is thanks to such “science” that an old lady, a former employee of the tax office in a small town, not so long ago was able to shout with delight about the “extraordinary caste” into which she miraculously entered.

So what exactly is all the fuss about the Tusk Egg?

Sadurski prophesies, and I am sure not without reason, that we are now facing a “second stage” not foreseen by the constitution, it is not known how long it will last.

However, we can safely assume that this will end only when the only opposition in the country gathers in the church. In addition, he is worried about raids by rainbow activists, who will be overcompensated by courts controlled by apolitical justices.

As once in the distant past, the first true leftist Saint-Just said:

There is no freedom for the enemies of freedom.

Sadursky creatively developed the slogan of his ideological ancestor:

There is no rule of law for enemies of the rule of law.

However, generally speaking:

There is no constitution for the enemies of the constitution.

To which Tusk and the drunk lieutenant colonel Sienkiewicz approved without any doubt.

Overtime Bodnar RPO, once called Rainbow, also responded. Actions have been taken in education and we will soon find out that PiS was putting Poland in debt with unnecessary… expensive purchases of tanks that only pissed off Putin, but a new batch of Mendeleev tables would be enough. to maintain the same deterrent effect as during the second Tusk government.

In addition, we have a propaganda attack against the law Action on January 11. As usual with Marxists, they try to reduce everything to the supposed protection of lost wages by government media workers.

It is true that Tusk intended to give “his” media 50% more money than he gave to PiS, but this, by the way, should be for the good of the nominees. By a TV officer of the Polish People's Republic during the Martial Law of Democracy.

In principle, one thing is certain. At the beginning of October, gadgets with colorful prints will appear again Constitution Boys from Tusk, Zarzastiya, Kosiniak-Kamish and Holovnia openly admit that they break the law.

Because, as Sadurski implied, the Polish (or any other) constitution does not regulate behavior during a coup d'état.

He is a rational person and there are many more of them in Poland Rudy And his team managed to calm down after the October 15 elections.

And perhaps worst of all for the current management team, he is starting to think.

And what the current government is doing leads to the only possible conclusion – the story about the absence of the rule of law (KRS!), about the alleged violation of the Constitution, which specific article is being talked about, about the judges – probably doubles. Illegally occupied the seats of judges elected in their “free time”. ” etc. Just a flimsy pretext for a left-wing counter-revolution.

It should just be the way it was before.

As one Gomulka once said – We will never give up power once we gain it.

Tusk knows perfectly well that his “terror” is based on surprise. No one, including the average KO voter, realized that the people who screamed practically every day about killing PiS's constitution were in opposition to it after taking power.

After the initial surprise, Rudy, like Jaruzelski and the rest of WRONA, rely on powerhouses. But the communist thugs only struck when they were sure of the effect. Meanwhile, Tusk improvises.

This is the only way to explain the stories about the inevitable salary increases for uniformed personnel. This is a truly sophisticated attempt to buy loyalty in order to use it against the expected social outcry.

Will the police support today's operetta regime?

During his last government, Tusk showed that the only thing he can do is extinguish (ie liquidate) the garrisons and thereby reduce the army.

I wouldn't bet, but I think the other possibility is very likely.

A third power* will come to power and finally restore order in Poland.

8/01 2024

Quotes: ))>,75968,30553768,pis-uzywa-konstytucji-jako-pulapki-…))>


* do not mix Cut the roadwhich turned out to be Siemens strasse.

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