The coldest night of the whole week is coming. Temperatures will drop to -25 degrees Celsius overnight from Monday to Tuesday. It's not the end, as temperatures across the country will remain below zero throughout the day on Tuesday. In turn, more than half of Poland will experience another dose of double-digit frost between Tuesday and Wednesday night.

Anticyclone Hannelore, which has been dictating Poland's weather conditions since Monday (8/01), has brought us some really freezing weather. The next night will be from Monday to Tuesday the coldest throughout the week.

Even at -25 degrees Celsius

The minimum temperature in the south and northeast tonight will be -21/-15 degrees. In most parts of the country, the mercury on thermometers will be -14/-8 degrees. The warmest night will be on the beach. About -6/-3 degrees C

The biggest decrease can be observed in the Carpathian valleys. Columns of mercury can fall close to the ground Even up to -25 degrees. Wind from different directions will be light to moderate. Temperatures may drop below 20 degrees Celsius at night.

Forecasters warn of a frosty night

According to an IMWM representative Gzhegozh Valievsky The cooling is the result of arctic air flowing in from above Siberia. In the case of these masses, even a light wind significantly reduces the perceived temperature.

– Forecasters predict -24 degrees in mountain valleys, Tatra, Limanova and Novi Targ districts – he said in an interview with “Fakt”. Emilia SevchakHydrologist from IMWM.

Freezing will only taper off Wednesday through Thursday night. As Szewczak emphasized, “It won't be a hard freeze anymore, but it's still a freeze.” According to the tabloid's interlocutor, “we should expect a slightly milder version of the winter we are currently experiencing.”

There will be an accident on the roads

– On Wednesday and Thursday, there may be icy precipitation in the northeast – warned the specialist. – In the second half of the week, the temperature will drop to zero during the day, and the roads will remain slushy, dangerous ruts will form in some places, and in some places it will be icy. Be careful on the roads, they will be slippery! – he emphasized.

According to the hydrologist, the frost will decrease from Thursday to Friday, but it will still be cold. Moreover, snow and blizzard will join the cold.

Precipitation will start from the east and cover the entire country over the weekend. They will be quite weak, the snow may melt, but in some places it will fall up to 5-10 cm – says the expert of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Supply.

IMWM warnings have been issued

IMWM issued Level 1 severe frost warning. down Previously in effect, new ones were added, and in some areas of the country, the duration of the warning was extended.

Action of warnings Depending on the region, you can check the details at On the warning map, only Western Pomerania, the western part of Pomerania, the western regions of Greater Poland, Lubusz and the central-western part of Lower Silesia are free of yellow.

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