Franz Beckenbauer died at the age of 78.

“Franz Beckenbauer's death is a sad news for sports and above all for football. We will remember him as a brilliant libero,” Andrzej Streylau, a former coach of the Polish national team and today a sports commentator, told PAP.

“I remember years ago, precisely on March 27, 1973, together with the editors Międzysław Szymkowiak and Jerzy Lechowski, we wrote the article “Libero” and its hero was a brilliant player who led the game, managed the field and achieved everything. his sports career,” Streylau said.

“It is very sad that he cannot watch the European Championship matches held by Germany this year,” he added.

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In his opinion, Beckenbauer was unique in world football.

“He was always tactful, extremely polite, cultured and loved not only by journalists. That's how I will remember him,” Streylau added.

The famous “Kaiser” is one of the greatest legends of world football. As a player, among others: he won the World Cup in 1974, and as a coach, he repeated this success with the national team in 1990.

mtu, PAP

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