Doda does not reveal so much about her personal life anymore. However, recently he made an exception and revealed a secret rule that he has been using for years in his relationship with his partner. It turns out that the star “doesn't like to be hugged” and prefers to sleep alone in his own bed.

Doda Recently, he hosted a radio showDodaphone“. In one of the latest episodes, he talked about his relationship habits. One was spending time with a partner in bed.

– I prefer to sleep alone than with a partner. Nine hours of sleep is essential for me. I better not have anyone sniffing or snoring in my ear. I need to be intact, preferably on a completely separate island called a bed, wrapped in a dungeon, without No hugs – he revealed.

The artist added that although at first her current boyfriend was not favorable to her habit, he later came to appreciate it.

– At first my partner was shocked, “which is a tragedy for a woman, without a woman”, and then it turned out that all guys dream of lying down, staring all over the bed and being good.” He was mumbling,” she said.

Doda relations

Doda's love life It always caused a lot of emotions. The star was in contact with many media. Two of them led him to the sanctuary. Years ago, Radoslav Majdan became her husband, and today she settles her life with Malgorzata Rozenek-Majdan.

Dorota Rabchevska She filed for divorce in 2007, accusing her lover of infidelity. – I had to learn to kill love. After my first husband – she recalled in the program “Doda. 12 steps to love“. – I loved him very much. He cheated on me with all the prostitutes. I was 12 years younger, 20. The prostitutes passed by my door as soon as I went to a concert. I really prayed every day. Lord God, let me stop loving him. It's going to wreck my system for years,” he said.

After many often stormy relationships, the singer started a relationship with Emil Stepien. Thinking it was him, he married her. Their relationship ended shortly after the wedding. They officially called it quits in 2021. The singer admitted that she suffered from depression during her relationship with the producer.

– When I got depressed and had very bad thoughts, I didn't even think to raise my voice. I couldn't sing. Only when I managed to get back on my feet, get out of a toxic relationship, get a divorce, go through therapy and say goodbye to this terrible period in my life, I started dancing – she revealed in an interview with Onet.

Doda did not lose hope that she would find true love. She even made a show called “12 Steps to Love” where she searched for her soul by meeting different men. In the end, the star announced that he was in love, but not with any candidate of the program.

Inquisitive Internet users quickly determined that the man Rabchevska had feelings for, she was Dariush Pachut. The lovers appeared together for a while, but now they try to protect their privacy.

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