09/01/2024, 06:04

Kamil Wolnicki has been working in the “Przegląd Sportowy” team since 2004 (photo: press materials)

Kamil Wolnicki, the current deputy editor-in-chief of Przegląd Sportowy Onet, will start managing the website from January 15. He replaces Jacek Staniczyk, who is leaving RAS Polska.

Kamil Wolnicki has been working in the “Przegląd Sportowy” team since 2004. During this time, he, among others, worked as the deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper and eight times was a correspondent for the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. At the beginning of 2022, he took the position of head of video, audio and paid content of the combined editorial office of Przegląd Sportowy Onet, and from the beginning of 2023 he became the deputy editor-in-chief.

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After the departure of Jacek Staniczyk, his deputy will be Lukasz Godlewski, who joined the editorial staff of Przegląd Sportowy Onet last February. Wolnicki will report to Bartosz Weglarczyk, Onet's editor-in-chief.

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Jacek Stańczyk, who remained at RASP until January 15, has been at Ringier Axel Springer Polska since June 2020. Then he took the position of editor-in-chief of online sports websites. He was responsible for the Onet Sport and przegladsportowy.pl websites, as well as the integration of the sports newsroom of Ringier Axel Springer Polska. In March 2022, RASP merged sports editorial and created one sports newsroom in the group, and Jacek Stanicic became its head.

“Kamil is an excellent sports journalist and has been shaping the development strategy of Onet's sports segment for a long time together with Jacek Stanicic. His promotion is a natural consequence of his and the entire team's development,” says Bartosz Veglarczyk, editor. -Onet Chief, quoted in the publication.

He adds: “I would like to thank Jacek for the tremendous work he has done for more than three years. Without his commitment and knowledge, such a huge development of the sports segment would not have been possible, I wish him success in his work. The next professional challenges,” he emphasizes Editor-in-Chief of Onet.

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(MZD, 09/01/2024)

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