The silence was broken by the cry of an animal. Horrible, it turns into a wheeze. Then the dull sound of a body falling to the floor and after some time a series of blows.
Neighbors used to various quarrels and family fights, even flying furniture from closed windows, reacted this time. They started banging on the door of the building and when it didn't work, two tall Mbeles broke it. They saw a lot in their homeland, but here?
The young woman's incomplete body lay on the floor in a rapidly growing pool of blood. Incomplete because one arm was cut off at the shoulder.
“Shhh!” shouted one of the onlookers as they made their way to the door.
Kut Asi, Kut Asi, where is he?!- shouted one of the Mbele women.
There was only a fuel storage room next to the building. The group fell there. At the last moment, a man and a woman catch the criminal who was digging down a log to cut firewood.
Mariah Carey's crowing could already be heard in the distance, as the residents affectionately called the “song” of the police rooster. Soon a police car stopped in front of the barracks and two officers slowly got out.
One of them, with a cigarette in his mouth, only commented: “There's… a lot of work at home.” Border Street again!! And we could catch drunks off park benches! Steven!! Give me an auto translator, stupid, instead of keeping this piece of garbage alive, ban it.
Then what do you have here, he said to the little thing.
(m'ba nanga awruk now).
The elder stepped in front of the rest of the pale roommates.
Don't lie to this box, you know I'm here in Poland studying.
Well, then what? said the other policeman.
There was noise, woomot, scream and woobudoo.
What?? The policeman became impatient. What's up Woody, are you still playing your magic??
The older man waved his hand invitingly. Come here.
Well, after all, I worry like a human being. The first officer chuckled quietly when he heard the Russianness spoken by his colleague.
A few Mbele turned around.
Don't worry, they'll still chain us for some racism or something. You have to prove that you're not the, you know, forbidden word.
They entered one of the buildings. Someone had already broken down the front door to the small porch outside. The crowd split. Two tall men placed a slightly bruised, clearly agitated, thin delinquent in their arms.
No doubt about it, said the chief. We found it in a wooden closet. He's crazy about it.
Clearly angry, the woman handed the noose, the cable to the police.
damn! damn!!! Motherfucker awruk ć'am, he exclaimed.
Come on Stefan, just don't slip and get it! We haven't had anything like this for a long time.
The second policeman looked over the shoulder of the first.
I don't understand that. The command and the commune turn a blind eye to the fact that the entire yard is planted with marijuana for their own consumption, and they are calmer than that. but like this???
The blonde's incomplete corpse was white in color.
Yes. Do you remember how she lived on Kudzoluska Street and left her husband and three children just to see how she was??? Nooooo.
Kut As suggested the nearest woman.
It is right. We had minor and now serious problems with him.
Good!!! Another police officer shouted to the crowd, motioning for everyone to take a few steps back. He crossed the ribbons several times on the door frame with the inscription: “Stop! Don't break it!”.
Give it here.
The men turned their backs on one of the police officers. They skillfully twisted his hands so that the policeman was confined only to handcuffs. They even put him in a police car, which was separated by a solid grille.
Thanks, said one of the officers. They slightly bowed to the tenants.
Elder: Gentlemen, gentlemen, you want not to bother us, stay away from them, right.
Yes, but it's hard to like you, added the second policeman.
You slowed down whoever was taking it and maybe you'll accuse us of racism again, the friend sneered.
Come, see what floor they are on. Oh, the team is on its way. We will exchange soon.
A typical female dog was standing in front of the building with the investigation team.
The policeman who had already left was wearing latex gloves.
What's new? boys? How are things going?
Don't fly, you have everything streaming from our cameras. Get up, hello work!
and went to the headquarters.
This is how it could have been if it hadn't happened in my city.
Last weekend, on Epiphany, dramatic events took place in the so-called
A 31-year-old woman was found with a cut hand. Alarmed by screams and noise, the neighbors rushed into the building and saw a terrible scene. His younger roommate recently tried to kill himself. Rumors began to circulate in the media. First the cause of death was a fatal ax blow, then the message disappeared. Only the story of the fatal stabbing of an artery was reported, with no additional gruesome details. And they pointed out that the criminal could get away with the nomen omen, the corpus delicti. However, he gave up and tried to commit suicide. This is not mentioned in the official press.
A place – a so-called social housing area, which its inhabitants call a slum or ghetto. IDPs with financial problems and the so-called That is, those who had to get rid of a healthy urban community. There used to be one on the other side of town. And on one of the streets there was a building where gypsies lived. They moved out and settled there… that's right.
These places are almost always the scene of small or larger incidents. Incidents such as the one described above sometimes occur, causing excitement mixed with fear in the calm townspeople. And those who ended up there because of poverty felt trapped and unable to escape.
One year ago, a young man beat an elderly disabled person to death in the said building. Before that, another person lost his life. About this, the so-called The authorities found out two weeks later. Because the locals “noticed” the hanging in the garden only then.
Yes, there are probably similar ghettos in more than one Tenkrai city. The police already have the necessary experience.
If anything changes, it's only scale. And don't expect the residents (at least the younger ones) to sit still. So things will happen. What will the government do?
Maybe additional police training on political correctness? Who knows.
One thing is certain. A certain Shimon would not dare to live with his friends in any of them.

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